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your a junko kinnie and somewhat bossy but a good friend to well.. your friends!

bella, you little caca.

by IBUKI!! June 3, 2021


Believes thots needa begone!

That Bella over there hates hoes

by Big Bop 72 March 15, 2019


hot nice anime girl loves gatch life and is pulling all the guys left and right she is kind and light hearted and would be a great mom she is not mean and super super nice she loves kids but hates her siblings and hates her own kids but also loves them she wants 3 kids and is very kind bella can get angry but is still nice she can get stricked but thats okay you are lucky to see her because if you do you will faint and die

she is a bella and is so so nice

by ddddddd12345 June 7, 2021


Bella’s are imperfectly perfect, they may make mistakes but those mistakes were caused by their determination and need to impress. They are people pleasers and constantly want validation and reassurance from others, this can be seen as a bad trait and somewhat annoying but the bigger picture is bella’s are constantly trying their best to make others happy. bella’s have extremely good memory and even if you mess up or hurt her feelings although she wont forget she will set it aside and try to make you change your mind by trying her very best to make you like her. Bella’s are special people and just want to be liked by all. although this next paragraph may seem rare it’s actually very common; when disliked or insulted bella’s tend to chip away and break, this is because bella’s try their best to be perfect and to find out that they have let everyone see their imperfections and to have their bad qualities overshadow all of the good ones keeping in mind all of their effort to make you appreciate her they tend to shut down and have constant thoughts that nobody thinks they are a good person. bella’s are covered in a coat which may look strong but is actually very weak, this causes them to be hurt by the smallest things. Don’t cause them to be unhappy.

Person 1 : “That bella girl tries way too hard to impress others”

Person 2 : “ she just wants others to be happy and to appreciate her”

Person 1 : “ bella’s are such people pleasers”

by Txwera July 20, 2021


she is an ugly little bum and no one likes her in any way shape or form. BLEH.

"Ugh Bella is here"



Bella is the biggest bitch on earth she is a hoe and ugly and should kill herself . Bella looks like a toilet ghost from shreks swamp. She is a choofy fiend.

I saw bella I want to kill myself

Bella makes me vomit

Bella is bella

by Taylor 08 November 3, 2022


We all nnow that dark blonde, girly, tall girl in our lives. shes sweet and loyal but can also be a bitch to people who deserve it. shesobsessed with singers like taylor swift, gracie abrams and sabrina carpenter. she ofc has a boyfriend and they are so cute together. her personality is bubbly and upbeat, but also can be quiet and keep emotions bottled up… such and ambivert.

theres bella, shes rly fun

by grungesidegirl January 14, 2025