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Big Ben

Infernal machine
Target numero uno for any misunderstood, so-called “super-villain” worth his weight in chutzpa.

This famous London clock tower was erected to spit in the face of all that is sacred in this world, namely modern architecture, freewill, and female empowerment. Some say it was constructed by Satan himself as a gift to Queen Victoria for bringing British colonization into its full glory, others say otherwise, who really knows? What’s known for sure is somewhere in the machinery, Adolf Hitler has stowed himself away and has been making a muck of Parliament’s morning schedules ever sense.

Westminster Guard #1: Arrest that mustachioed man with the wriggle fingers, he’s slandered our Big Ben

Guard #2: You mean he’s slandered Elizabeth Tower.

Guard #1: Oh shove a meat pie up your buttocks ya eggheaded prat

by DiamondDick9 May 7, 2020

19👍 3👎

Ben Folds

Quite possibly the foremost rock pianist of the last ten years.

He may be good, but he's no Ben Folds.

by Dave Garroway December 19, 2003

361👍 66👎

ben sherman

A high quality clothing company in Britain known for it mod style and quirky designs. Ben Sherman has recently become popular in the United States and is sold in upscale boutiques.

A Ben sherman polo usually costs beteen 60 and 90 USD.

by Matt M, knowla May 12, 2008

84👍 12👎

Ben Goldwasser

the other half of the brilliant psych-pop band MGMT. he is totally underrated and often overlooked.

girl#1: hey! I'm going to an MGMT concert this weekend want to come?


girl#1: Ben Goldwasser is pretty sexy himself you know

girl#2: who? I only know who Andrew is.

girl#1: .....yeah. you're really a huge fan huh.

by fourwingeddinosaur February 12, 2009

246👍 43👎

Ben Shapiro

Renowned hypotheticalist. He hates everything that's left. He wouldn't even take a left turn while driving even if his life counted on it. He also has a wife, trust me, he does, and she's a doctor.

Guy 1 - "So I was watching a podcast on TV and there was this one annoying dude who kept blabbering about radical leftists in a squirrel-like high pitched bullet train voice

Guy 2 -"I think you were listening to Ben Shapiro."

by FactuallyCorrect September 19, 2021

813👍 3365👎

Ben Platt

A beautiful goddess towards men, best boy,beautiful son,tony winning son of god. We should make a religion out of this. He was in pitch perfect book of mormon Chicago and dear evan hansen,a musical about trees and gays. IDK what his sexuality is but still press boi. If you hate him I don't know you who are you why are you reading this about my son

"Ben Platt is a goddess towards men"- Tyler Oakley
"The things that make you strange are the things that make you powerful"

by broadwaytho January 19, 2018

49👍 7👎

Ben Burnley

Benjamin Jackson Burnley IV is the founder, lead singer, and second rhythm guitarist of the Nu metal/hard rock band Breaking Benjamin. He is the only member of the band who has never left. In 2007 his band went on a hiatus because his alcohol addiction left him with Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome and during that hiatus he had to fire two of his bandmates, Aaron Fincke and Mark Klepaski, for illegally signing off on a contract to their newest hit song "Blow Me Away." Eventually, he beat the odds of a 1-in-20 chance and recovered without severe permanent brain damage. However, the drummer, Chad Szeliga, later left the band in 2012. In late 2014, Ben recruited four new band members with Kieth Wallen on rhythm guitar so Ben himself could be a little more animated while singing (as he often moved as little as possible while playing live so he could concentrate on playing guitar and keeping within range of the microphone at all times)

Ben has several phobias, but he does not let them get in his way. However, he refuses to perform live in any countries outside of USA and Canada, as his fear of death makes him walk rather than drive as little as possible to avoid car crashes, and he doesn't fly at all.

Ben is the fourth Benjamin Jackson Burnley of his bloodline, preceded by his great-grandfather, grandfather, and uncle, who are all dead. His infant son if the fifth in his bloodline (Benjamin Jackson Burnley V)

Ben is around 36 years old and is 6"4 tall (approx. 2 metres)

BB fan: Have you heard the newest Breaking Benjamin song? I think Ben Burnley sounded great in that one!
BB hyper fangirl: Oh my god I know right! He's so sexy?
BB fan: Okay, he DOES look good, I'm not gonna lie.

by NederlandsTaco December 29, 2015

24👍 2👎