Clive name backwards Evilc. The hyphen indicates the C meaning Clive. If your name is Clive rather be called Evil-C
A beautiful girl who will light up your world with love and affection. She will always be by you side through anything you are going through. There isn't anyone you could meet who has a kinder heart than she. She is very funny too, she can always make you smile with a little joke. Whenever she is going through a rough time she always puts on a smile and remembers that there are others that are going through worse. She is forgiving and looks at not the things you've done wrong but the things you've done right. With her will and dedication she passionatley takes on a challenge even if it means losing sleep and energy! When she loves someone, she loves them to the fullest of her capability. She's a bit awkward and shy sometimes but you just have to get to know her. As oppose to most girls nowadays Prizm has class. Even if she doesn't want to Prizm cares about every living creature. She just might be the most strongest woman you'll ever meet, you are lucky to know her. She's one in a million.
beauty kind empathetic classy loving Prizm C.
A very annoying guy. He is usually pretty stupid. Rowan's can be funny. Rowan's are good at art, but almost nothing else. They are somewhat fast runners, but hate sports. Rowan's love video games and LEGOS. He thinks he is "boy genius". (sometimes, SOMETIMES he is).
Me: Hey, Rowan C
Rowan C. : Yeah?
Me: How you doin
/gamemode c
Synonym: /gamemode creative, /gamemode 1, gamemode c, gamemode creative, gamemode 1, c, creative, creative mode, creative gamemode
Antonym: /gamemode s, /gamemode survival, /gamemode 0
C/v is a abbreviation for copy and paste. C/v originates from the key shortcuts ctrl+c to copy, and ctrl+v to paste.
"I wanted to share a link with some people in an IRC, so I c/v'd it."
"I had to c/v to use that broken link."
aidan is probably one of the most cocky guys u will ever meet. he will make you feel like shat, he knows just how to make u feel inferior. and he lives off of that, he lives off of the knowledge that he KNOWS he’s better. aidan will haunt u mentally, whatever u do u won’t be able to get him out of ur mind. aidans the type of person u won’t ever be able to forget. you’ll see him around and hate him, yet wish that he hadn’t changed so. you’ll want to fix him, but maturing is realizing that it’s too late. he’s chosen his actions, and he doesn’t give 2 fucks about anybody but himself. in the end, be thankful for yourself, because at least you’re not like aidan, who’s lost all his friends due to his racism, homophobia, and poor rationale.
aidan can be classified as a nobody
friend: “aidan wasn’t supposed to be in our friend group anyway, he just had no other friends.”
me: “why would anyone be friends with aidan?”
when a bitchy girl puts her finger in her mouth and smiles. trying to act sexy or hot.
omg, caroline is doing the c-pose in her picture again!