Source Code

Honking Clam

Used to describe a busted nut on a bus.

Used by bus drivers to describe a busted nut on the bus.”Thomas there is a honking clam in the back of the bus. I know it was you because that was the seat you were in this morning.”

by Honkingclamboi February 13, 2018

Slapping The Clam

Another term for a female in the act of masturbation.

I came home from work and I caught my wife slapping the clam.

by Master Draq May 2, 2021

clam house

The opposite of a sausage fest.

"Man, so many bitches in this place, it's a clam house. It's going to be a good night."

by keithfairground August 20, 2015

Clam Bake

When a woman queefs in bed, then pulls the blanket over her man's face.

female version of a Dutch oven. Guys, don't give your woman a Dutch Oven. She might give you a clam bake.

by Leatherneck65 October 8, 2012

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angry clam

when a girl is having her period

damn watch out for the angry clam dylan l

by jeffy69 July 15, 2008

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clam burglar

a man trying to rob me of my vagina.

gosh billy bob is such a clam burglar, always trying to get at my vagina

by sallanie April 3, 2009

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Clam Slap

Similar to the "Tea Bag", Clam Slap is the dipping/dragging of a woman's vagina over an enemy's face once the enemy has died. A complete and hillarious way of a female showing a person that their her bitch.

*WoW, Halo, CoD, etc character runs and rubs vagina over dead body's face*

*Player 1* Dude... you were just Clam Slapped.
*Player 2* Yeah... I smell like fish now... -_-

by Jagurara September 21, 2009

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