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Sub-cultural appropriation

The adaptation of a sub-culture by non fans/fashionistas.

Example of sub-cultural appropriation:

"Omg Becky, where did you get that trasher shirt I LOVE it."

"I got it at target! It was in the sub-cultural appropriation aisle, next to The Grateful Dead, Nirvana, and Harley Davidson March!"

by Terpthederp September 15, 2020

Culture Simp

Someone who simps for another culture than their own due to the belief, either conscious or unconscious, that they can take a mental vacation from their own culture this way. Thus a culture simp is by definition messed up in the head. Some culture simps are driven to create theme parks to convince themselves of belonging to another culture, especially when in a grandiose phase. They also like to visit theme parks safely ensconced in their own culture like the center of a Russian nesting doll, but American, of course. Not to be confused with prejudice, which has a chauvinistic flavor.

You know you're a culture simp when you go slumming at Epcot Center.

An important biopsychosocialparalegalphilosophical question to ask is whether all biracial people necessarily have multiple culture simp personalities, definitionally speaking, or are they transcultural?

Only Rachel Dolezal knows whether she's a culture simp; I have no opinion.

by White Chocolatte January 1, 2024

Crippling Culture

Mainstream culture spread by corporate media with the intention of keeping the youth ignorant and violent.

"We don't have a gun problem, we have a crippling culture problem."

by Forkskin October 1, 2022

cultural enricher

A term for a group of people (usually Africans and Muslims) that are purposefully allowed by the governments to invade Europe and the US by the masses. These people are best known for harassing/attacking natives, causing violence, raping the native women and children, and being treated by the governments like unicorns who can do no wrong.

Oh, look. Another cultural enricher assaulting an old man.

Don't go out at night, bro. Those cultural enrichers prowl the streets, looking to rob people and probably stab them.

by EAJVEG February 18, 2024

Cultural Enricher

Used within xenophobic and anti-immigration communities on social media, this term originated in the context of the 2015 European migrant crisis following the statements of the Italian Chamber President Laura Boldrini: "Migrants today are the human element, the avant-garde of this globalization and they offer us a lifestyle that will soon be very widespread for all of us". The term is often indicated ironically to highlight the contrast between legal immigration, often made up of skilled labor, in contrast to mass undocumented immigration, not regulated by specific educational qualifications.

Cultural enrichers break into your home without any control. We need mass expulsions.

by mastino77 February 22, 2024

cultural heimlich

- when a person’s general taste is bad to the point where it requires sustained shaming and social intervention to improve.

- a campaign of necessary refinement, aimed at the abandonment of flavorless beers, Billboard music, poorly written movies, touristy travel, sweet wine, toddler palates, and more.

“Man, Jason was slamming shots of Fireball last night, listening to Kenny Chesney and defending Michael Bay movies. Then today I learned he only eats meat and pasta! We need somebody to step up and perform a cultural Heimlich immediately!”

“She’s literally going to die of poor taste in her 40s, if we can’t get her a cultural heimlich soon”

by Aclfsu10 May 13, 2019

New Tech Culture

Bridging the gap between group work and learning as a family. Can include social events, family time, and freedom to work how you want

New Tech Culture-Damn, New Tech be swimming in that culture.

by rileytea37231 May 12, 2017