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daniel sun

This is a difficult name to define because it defies many boundaries of human perception, let alone various languages. One of the closest translations that experts give is God or many other variations of that general idea.

Other definitions are thought to be: TaoChiThe Great Spirit Chuck Norris





Despite the fact that various names have been pinned to Daniel, its seems that all of the above examples (including that of God)cannot even withstand the magnitude of Daniel.

The reason this name continues to elude even the brightest of human minds is that the idea of Daniel cannot possibly exist in a dimensional state. Daniel is so powerful, it defies all laws of this or any other universe. Recent studies have shown that people who have attempted to comprehend this name have either disappeared, died spontaneously, or driven themselves into a pertinent state of insanity . One common belief is that Daniel is possibly the grounds on which everything and nothing is based. It seems to surpass infinity. Quantum physicists report that this Daniel is Everything and Nothing. It is has unexplainable connections with the String and Superstring Theories as Daniel resonates within every single layer of the multi-dimensional complex and yet still exists beyond that point which is where scientists have lost the trail. Various theologists and spiritual leaders believe that Daniel is The Answer". All attempts to understand this idea of Daniel have failed.

danksun , daniel sun

by unused handle July 10, 2018

daniel ricciardo

the honey badger. originally born in perth, australia and now living in monaco. he is an f1 driver, but during his free time he enjoys dirt bike racing and hanging out with his family. he’s definitely a mamas boy, but that’s okay cuz he has a really good smile.

regarding f1, at the time of this post hes won 8 grand prix’s (the most recent one with Mclaren). he deserves a drivers championship, everyone loves him. he probably smells nice. he used to drive for redbull, then left for renault bc they favored max, now he’s mclaren and he’s struggling driving. but he’s looking good while doing it.

I would die in order to make out with Daniel Ricciardo.

by Little Turkey October 21, 2021

48👍 1👎

Danielle Cohn

Wears a lot of makeup and spray tans, not a whole lot of clothing, and posts all of it on Instagram after heavily photo-shopping.

Age: 15 (we hope)
Birthday: Mar 7, 2004
Current boyfriend count: 9
Current baby count: 0, surprisingly enough

1. Richard Ortiz, 12 (Mar - Jul 2016)
2. Jayden Price (Oct - Dec 2016)
3. Nelson Aguilar (Jan 2016 - ? 2016)
4. Owen Bodnar (Feb - Apr 2017)
5. Case Walker, 14 (May - Jun 2017)
6. Cole Galotti, 16 (Jul 2017 - Aug 2017)
7. Sebastian Bails (Sep 2017)
8. Sebastian Topete, 18 (Oct 2017 - May 2018)
9. Mikey Tua, 16 (Jun 2018 - July 2019)
10. Dustin Bryant (August 2019 - present)

"She's such a Danielle Cohn"

by skooshpoodle October 26, 2019

Danielle Cohn

A girl who wares a significant amount of make up and a small amount of shirt

That girl is Danielle Cohn

by Pouncing panda July 20, 2017

2216👍 202👎

Daniel Howell

A British Youtuber, also known as Danisnotonfire, who happens to be an Internet Cult Leader. He also has a radio show with his best friend Philip Lester, called the Dan and Phil Show, on BBC radio 1.

"Hey, do you know Daniel Howell?"
"Yea he is known as Danisnotonfire on the internet, and he is my cult leader."
"You're in a cult?"
"An Internet one."

by danosuarphillion813 December 10, 2013

213👍 17👎

Daniel Stevens

Daniel Stevens

The GOAT of Facebook Trolls. Can be found in the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB facebook pages. Usually brings ass hurt to the community of facebook due to their intellectual incapability to detect a troll. When will they ever learn?

NFL on Facebook
"Aaron Rodgers has the best QBR in the NFL"

Daniel Stevens: Aaron Rodgers and the Packers suck! When's the last time Rodgers got a ring?

Mr. Gullible: Says the guy with the Jay Cutler jersey

*Mission Achieved*

Classic Daniel Stevens

by Arizona Cardinals December 21, 2016

George Daniel

George Daniel is in the the popular band The 1975. George plays the drums and does the backup vocals. He may be described as a tree due to his tall 6'3 figure. He is a clutz and recently (April 2016) broke his shoulder when he slipped off the tour bus.

"Damn who is that?"
"Oh that's George Daniel from The 1975! He's a hottie right!?"

by Ross Penguin Master MacDonald May 29, 2016

48👍 2👎