A Renaissance painter with a really long name who didn't do his job very well.
"Aw, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso!
super thick 3x bbl, can suck dick like no other and will last the night
guy: wish i had a super thick mexican to suck my penis
me: just invite diego castillo over
A group of four or more people press their ass cheeks together and simultaneously defecate into a pile and then continue to mud wrestle in their excrement
Hey jack mcman are you going to the San Diego dawg pile tonight?
The act of ejaculating in a girl’s nose with the previous assumption it was meant for her mouth.
The other night Todd gave me a San Diego Switcheroo, I’m still launching kids out of my nostrils... it’s been 2 days.
A hairy hunchbacked gorilla who feeds off lambs
Oh my it’s a Diego solis, he might touch you!
Like a California burrito except they use chicken instead of carne. Ingredients are pollo, papas, queso, crema all wrapped up in a warm tortilla.
"Have you tried the San Diego Burrito at Los Panchos? Bomb diggity"
A boy who is very handsome and needs to lose some weight.
Have you seen Diego? Which diego, Diego Barrientos?