Young Jewish business guy who has brains and balls to make money
When I grow up, I wanna be like Ralph Herzka or Eric Rosenstock
A user born on 27th November 2007 and owns a 2-metre gigantic Blissey called Butter that he got for his 13th birthday, His Blissey (Who is called Butter) Is a huge fan of Wow Wow Wubbzy, She was turned into A Teletubby while she was sleeping on May 6th 2021, In Early 2015, His parents made an appearance on Playhouse Kimuel UK when the end of a Family Guy episode was reached.
Eric Cazares was born in November 2007
The most iconic music artist and producer. Bringing new sounds into the world. Music to teleport to. Born in North Carolina, Eric Martin is a gem to the world.
Friend 1: Hey have you heard the new Eric Martin song?
Friend 2: Who hasn’t? He’s the most iconic music artist and producer ever
Friend 1: Wow, he’s the best!
Someone is called Eric pd when he is attracted to boys. Eric pd also leaves chicks on delivered and thinks he is a gamias.
John: Hey that’s eric pd!
Mantza: Omg! He is so gay!
John: Me too!!!
Probably the most legendary councilman to walk the face of this earth.
He is still a TikTok sensation even posthumously. Were it not for him, the entire flint water crisis would've been swept under the rug.
He wasn't afraid to stand his ground and tell the truth, held true to defending his constituents, A solid American hero with backbone. He didn't take shit from anyone and was known to point out corruption.
This man carried an energy hardly anyone could match.
RIP Councilman Mays, you are dearly missed, sir.
Kate Fields: "Do I have the floor, do I??"
Eric Mays: *in mocking tone of voice* "NYES YOU DOOO!!!!"
Kate Fields: "thank you very much"
Eric Mays: "What a fool!"
Eric Tony Jaa is a lovable guy and attractive , intelligent and he knows how to treat people how they deserve
Eric; Hey June ! Could you remind me a name of your bf plz?
June ; Oooh my gosh! I can't wait , my bf is Eric Tony Jaa from Rwanda
Eric ; OMG ! You're a luckiest girl !