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Gabriele is a smart girl with beautiful hair, beautiful eyes, and a cute face. She is athletic and a bit strong. She’s not muscular, but she has strength with her petite body.

Person 1: Holy shit who is that

Person 2: That’s Gabriele

Person 1: Wow! She is amazing.

by Mr. I don’t know July 7, 2021


The person with the largest cock in the world.

Yo, Gabriele has got a huge cock!

Wait, isn’t she a girl?

Idk man, I’d suck

by Mr. I don’t know July 24, 2023


he his the hottest guy you could find

oh my gosh Gabriele the hottest beast is coming!!!

by galu1 November 26, 2018


An Italian with the skin of an African

-Did you get a tan on vacation?

- Yes, i am a Gabriele now!

by Antoninoninonino November 21, 2021


The most beautiful winter you could ever live.
He's just the kind of person you'd want to hug all the time. He's honest and can be serious, yet you'll know a fun side of him quite soon. He's knowledgeable and wise and will have philosophical conversations with you at two in the morning.
Oh, and he will probably ask you what you're doing with enough energy in his voice to make you doubt he's found out you're writing about him in the Urban Dictionary, because he's that kind of unpredictable person who could actually know it or predict it, somehow.

Someone™: "Hey, have you heard about Gabriele? He was great, with that last assignment."
Someone-else™: "Yeah, I've always known he could make it."

by hereinaugust November 21, 2021


Always the best, dislikes most vegetables and has the biggest penis around, he is some kind of primal tho always making monkey noises, he has some sort of alchool addiction

Yo see that guy making monkey noises? must be a gabriele

by Jhon deo November 22, 2021


Gabriele the most wonderful human being in existence. She will make you happy and she will make you laugh.Has the most beautiful blue eyes. I love her very deeply and i will love her forever she is the only one for me and i don't imagine life with out her i love my Gabriele.

Also Felix loves Gabriele, if your name is Felix find Gabriele and marry her right away.

I love Gabriele so so much
Gabriele is going to be my wife

by RimgailianFelix April 2, 2022