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Leasowes High school

No words to describe how terrible it is. I would rather keeps my kids from any sort of education than send them there.

Leasowes high school is terrible

by ImJustBeIng real April 22, 2019

Ossining High School

a big school in westchester new york, notorious its for crop tops, vsco girls, kids that play Minecraft and smash on the school computers, good looking bitches with a ugly personalities, alright lunch food, corrupt lunch monitors and security guards, bitchy guidance counselors, crazy fights, pretty good parties, juulers, and girls basketball team...

Someone: You go to Ossining High School? My sister used to go there. We're gonna send our kids there when they get older!
Someone else: Yea it's a grea-... pause.

by lil fishstick September 21, 2019

Milford High School

What don’t you love about Milford high?

It has everything you need, too deans locking the bathroom doors from kids destroying showing there art skills on the walls, too kids pissing on floors.

Milford is the whitest trash in all of the huron district. Too girls hooking up until the school. And ofc you can’t forget the kids who have colored hair and are 300 pounds.

The best part is we have a very loving dean!
He loves the girls so much he even makes sure they’re ok. If you’re lucky enough he will even touch your shoulders a few times…

I saw a dude fingering his girlfriend at lunch, of course it’s at Milford Highschool.

Milford High School - A shitty place for kids to be forced to learn

by SlaveOwner411 October 14, 2021

Brewer High School

A bunch of pussies who try their hardest to act ghetto but all come from 2 story houses.

“Them Brewer High School kids are lame as fuck

by Yaboykank September 13, 2021

Somers High School

A school where more people smoke weed then people who don’t

Me :Bro I just lost my Xanax

Friend : Fuck bro that sucks let’s look for them

Me : oh wait I poped them I’m just too clapped

Somers High School

by Anonymous6548 August 23, 2019

Swansea High School

From heroin junkies to the casual eshay lads, Swansea High School is easily the worse fucking school in New South Wales.

The school you enroll your child in if you want it to not only contract numerous sexual transmitted diseases but to also lose almost all brain cells in the process of doing so.

Talisha The Heroin Junkie; have you heard about that teacher at Swansea High School?

Darren The Abusive Father; The one that said that all men have to suppress the urge to rape?

Talisha The Heroin Junkie; Yeah that's the one.

by lil eshay eshay cat lobob May 22, 2020

Swansea High School

A piece of shit school in the town of Swansea South Carolina. The worst school imaginable, it has crack heads, potbheads and just plain out drug addicts. The teachers here are fucking retarded, the fights are lame and the lunch tastes like horse shit. Students fuck the teachers to get better grades, the rednecks are always looking for a chance to say “ Nigger”. They sit in the parking lot and blare lil Wayne while standing by the truck that daddy bought, point is don’t come to fucking Swansea you’ll regert it.

Guy 1- you see that crackhead tryna sell that broken bike?

Guy 2- yeah he must’ve dropped out from Swansea High School

by Gamer Nigger 69 January 16, 2019