Primarily used to refer to a great song or an awesome rhyme within a rap song. However this phrase can be used to describe almost anything that "tickles" a person's fancy.
Yo! that new song by Dre is a sick tickle.
This lasts from December 23rd to the 30th. It then recurs from the 1st of January to the 8th.
National Tickling Week is an entire week in which you tickle your MOST ticklish, single , friend for 2-10 minutes a day straight. This person you choose to tickle you must tell them they cannot get mad or you will do it again.
National Tickling Week is a week from December 23rd to the 30th in where you can tickle someone for a veeeeerrrryyyyy long time. It also recurs from January 1st to the 8th.
National Tickling Week is an entire week in which you tickle your MOST ticklish, single , friend for 2-10 minutes a day straight. This person you choose to tickle you must tell them they cannot get mad or you will do it again.
it is when a 4th grader get in a stall with fat chunky 9th grader and tickles each others balls call me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got in a stall with a boy and then it was tickle time.
When you tickle someone in a sexual way.
Hey dill it's tickle time!
Mommy's tickle friend is when a big horny Jew comes up to your mom and tickles her big hairy titties. he wraps his big long tongue around her protruding knob and licks up its sweat. the mom gets horny and spreads her thick thighs to let the money-hungry jew into her flappy ripple cave. the man gets closer and closer to her bulging clit and proceeds to suck on it like a soother. eventually, when the mom has had enough she slams her thighs together with the force of a thousand suns and kills the Jew. After this, she searches for her next victim.
Grandma V: I'm horny for Jews
Brad: spread your legs mama I want in your hole. give me the Mommy's Tickle Friend.
Used to be tattoo sleeves meant you were a tough guy. Now it usually means you're a little tickle biscuit.