To work as a prostitute/hooker, since most prostitutes usually can be found standing on a curb waiting to be picked up.
Person 1:It's only 8:00pm why are you leaving?
Person 2:I work the curb now, and I'm supposed to be meeting with a few other curb workers to chat.
When you receive more work or responsibilities for the same pay...without a raise insight
"Hey man, you coming out tonight?"
"Nah man, can't. Got work inflation going on. Won't be coming out for a while"
When for any reason, you feel inclined to jack off at work, be it out of boredom, for pleasure, to provide a sperm sample for reproductive purposes or for sperm donation for profit, you are performing what shall hence forth be know as the "work-jerk".
When I have a half hour between clients, I do a quick work-jerk to relieve tension
I'm gonna fuck your mouth up !
Shut up before I realign your grill work !
A local government worker phenomenon wherein which the division of labor between workers and watchers is typically at a higher ratio than private work.
Why is everyone just standing around watching that one guy dig the hole?
That's how county work is done.
Being able to give oral pleasure without the interference of your braces
Braceface Betty gave me great head. She sure knows how to work the metal.
Useless/unnecessary work that is completed, but incorrect. Also work that needs to be completed that is left for you to do.
‘You did a lot of Shawn work by reorganizing that.’
‘I guess I’ll do all this Shawn work, apparently no one else is going to.’