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Kentucky Kruchneauv Kick

Its when your screwing a girl from behind and just before your about to cum you say "Kruchneauv" (to the best of your abilitly). Once she turns around in thinking shes being banged by the russian guy from rocky, you cum in her eyes ,therefore blinding her, and kick her in her vagina and run.

Last night was soo hilarious, i gave my teacher a Kentucky Kruchneauv Kick.

by Profounder May 30, 2010

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Kentucky Cold Cock

The act of inserting, unbeknownst to one's significant other, a frozen hot dog (or other phallus-like frozen meat) in the stead of one's own genitalia; usually occuring under the cover of darkness.

It has been so cold out lately that my wife barely fussed when I gave her a kentucky cold cock.

I can think of no better use for those mummified foot longs that have been in the downstairs freezer forever than by kentucky cold cocking the next eight chicks that pass through my bedroom.

*please do not misspeak by remembering, if it's not a suprise, it's not a real kentucky cold cock.

by Roseymalt January 8, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

kentucky oil change

The insertion of alcohol into one's rectum using a funneling device. Typically using bourbon or whiskey.

How about we head to the kitchen and make a kentucky oil change?

by fuzzy bunny original December 26, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kentucky swiss roll

When you put shit around your cock as lube and fuck a girl with it til you cum. The cum is icing and the shit is cake.

Man last night your sister asked for a kentucky swiss roll.

I heard that bitch has a fetish for kentucky swiss rolls.

by Thefunnyman25 March 17, 2016

kentucky pot pie

When you shit in ur hand and then proceed to clap, spewing shit everywhere.

I cooked up a Kentucky Pot Pie for those fuckin' kids outside.

by DontBeACuck April 20, 2017

kentucky spine shifter

A pack of frozen marbles
A slip and slide
A pair of kid size 4 soccer cleats
Fishing line "the strong stuff"
Philips head screwdriver WOMAN ADVISORY!!! its the one that looks like the plus sign--
Bon Jovi CD (demo if possible)

Reverse hogtie your girlfriend (or for our friends in kentucky your sisters and/or moms are ok)
set up the slip n slide on stair case
put marbles in cleats and hit her/them in their good eye at the same time as you push her/them down the slip and slide
listen to bon jovi CD
give eyepatch to victim

return screwdriver

See kentucky spine shifter youtube

by mcsourmilk March 13, 2014

Kentucky vet clinic

A physical place or establishment (e.g. a bar, restaurant, health club, actual veterinary clinic in the state of Kentucky) that contains a surprising amount of lesbians.

"Jesus Christ, bro. I've never seen so many buzz cuts and flannel shirts. Looks like a goddamn Kentucky vet clinic in here."

by BellicoseStampCollector July 25, 2019