Fiendish math questions posed by mean or sadistic math teachers that leverage on the deadlier delta to further terrify an oft-semi-innumerate lay public, who are often more fearful about discriminants and differentials than variants and vaccines.
Guesstimate what percentage of math anxious folks globally are more scared of delta math than the delta variant itself.
41đź‘Ť 61đź‘Ž
A simple way to do math. Where you add a number to a number and get the sum of the number as the final number.
stoners math is 5+5=55
4đź‘Ť 5đź‘Ž
When math educators in America are pushing for their states and schools to embrace the Singapore math curriculum, or part of it, to raise the mathematical proficiency of their students—Singapore is often touted as a model for quality math education that is achievable via wallet-friendly good-quality textbooks.
Trump’s white “patriots” and diehard blue-collar supporters in red states are against the “Make US Math Singapore Math” slogan, as they’re allergic to any form of alien math infiltrating their local schools.
96đź‘Ť 149đź‘Ž
Medical disorder whereby one gets an erection in an unusual place where one didn't intend. (ex. Math Class)
Primary cause- ejaculation deprivation
Cures-usually simmer after a short period.
-In extreme cases one may Perform a belt tuck, followed by an immidiate trip to the bathroom where one should plessure oneself accordingly
Today I had a math-class all math class.
7đź‘Ť 12đź‘Ž
When the Singapore authorities could stop, disable, or block access to any online math content, which was unprovenly created via the works of foreign mathematicians or math educators, that the government deems politically, racially, religiously, or socially inappropriate to be published, because it could cast doubt or create confusion in the minds of locals, who could then have a low or wavering confidence in the Ministry of Education (MOE)’s goal in making the “fine” city an innumerate-free nation—FICA is short for “Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act.”
With a penalty of a fine of up to S$5,000 and continuing fines of up to S$500 for “every day or part of a day” for refusing to remove any politically incorrect content, guesstimate how much FICA math revenue could be generated annually from “mathematically significant” individuals and organizations that committed a mathematical offence.
46đź‘Ť 62đź‘Ž
When publishers or bookstores decide to offer a big discount to vaccinated customers keen to hone their mathematical problem-solving or guesstimation skills, who show their vaccination card and the math book to the cashier—a promotion to get kids, parents, and teachers all jabbed to minimize infection or reinfection, not to say, hospitalization.
At a popular bookstore, the math shot promotion for a set of four Singapore math textbooks and workbooks is: “$39 with Shots; $144 sans Shots.”
38đź‘Ť 58đź‘Ž
someone who is exceptional in math but also appears to be a pre-teen, constantly accuses people of stealing his things, thinks he is better than anyone and everyone because he is clearly above needing to study or take notes, is a heart breaker (Elaine, Krista and all of the other Westminster Chicketies)and thinks that their roomates have nothing better to do with thier time than to clown on him after his 11:00 bedtime.
Natanial Remmert is a math head
7đź‘Ť 13đź‘Ž