Source Code

to go bag

After having sex and using a condom, one takes the full codom and ties it off. Then they secretly place it with the person they just had sex with, so that person will find it later after they leave.

"I gave that chick a to go bag in her purse. She found it at the mall when she went to pay for something"

by mr. feltchenstein January 21, 2010

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Going Phelps

Going Phelps. The dolphin-like motion used by a male while trying to achieve sexual gratification with a lucky lady. The position usually begins with spooning, but quickly escalates into something much upon insertion, much like a Michael Phelps freestyle upon insertion into the pool. Both partners lie on their sides with the woman partially crouched, like a limp fetus, and her dominant male stroking behind her in fluid motion like a gold medal athlete, until the woman’s cheers can be heard louder than the billions of Chinese at the Olympics. However, in this case, world record speed is not suggested.

Guy 1: Last night I was going Phelps with my lady friend and…

Guy 2: Wait going Phelps? You mean like, you were swimming the 200 meter freestyle relay?

Guy 1: No man… Coitus.

by Stickywetrag October 22, 2008

182πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


An inflated sense of self gained exclusively from facebook popularity, friend count, and number of "likes" received per status update.

Whoever says the way to a man's heart is through his stomach has obviously never stroked his e-go.

by AleclikeBaldwin2 November 9, 2010

108πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

ret to go

Ready to go

you ret to go?

by Matt H. March 24, 2004

72πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

go to hell

Term used to yell at someone when you are mad.

AJ: Dude you are the worst halo 2 player ever.
Zero: go to hell

by AJC4Canes05 August 17, 2006

145πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

going gorillas

No one knows what it means, but its provocative

"They're going gorillas" " I don't even know what that means!" "No one knows what it means but its provocative!." "Its gross" "It gets the people going!"

by dnikki2012 December 19, 2011

114πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

way to go

Way to go means very good or yeah

way to go


good for you

by KaMiLa_x4 March 29, 2005

322πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž