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Traffic Puff Pass

the act of hot boxing, ones car in a traffic, jam, then passing the joint, to neighboring vehicles.

"oh man...this traffic sucks,..looks like we're going to be stuck here for a bit. lets start a traffic puff pass"

"I actually look forward to driving in traffic now since that last traffic puff pass,"

by theSSjulia December 14, 2011

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Pass the weed bitch

I don't like to pass the gas

She said pass the weed bitch i don't like to pass the gas blowing bubble blowing Zaza she got big ol titties i said goo goo goo ga ga monkey ass nigga uu u aa

by Quandale Dingle Manager June 9, 2022

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Passed around

a lover who has been passed through all possible family members including not limited to any parental person

poor guy hes been passed around. first the daughters and then the mother ...

by Theamazinggeek March 9, 2015

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N-Word Pass

An imaginary pass that has 3 tiers to it. Bronze, Gold, and Platinum. Bronze allows you one use, Gold gives you 10 uses, and Platinum allows infinite uses. People with the pass can give and take away others with the pass, but you can only take away someone with a Platinum variation if you haven’t received it from someone. You are able to trade passes with PokΓ©mon cards or sex.

Jerome gave me a Gold N-Word Pass, but after I said the wrong N-Word he beat me up and took it away.

by McShoot February 22, 2019

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Pass Them Cheeks

- means one person asking another person for sex. or to makeout and or hook up.

Hey Maria, Pass Them Cheeks?

by theo1220 November 8, 2010

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N Word Pass

A pass given to a white boy by a black person to say the n word

Tyrone gave me an N Word Pass

by ResetRBLX February 20, 2019

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full moon pass

When someone be acting like a damn lunatic freaking out on you, out of their mind bat shit crazy during a full moon
When you forgive them you give them a full moon pass

My girl was flipping out on me last night, I was about to leave her ass, but decided to give her a full moon pass,

by Clvgrl78 April 4, 2015

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