When bing's search results are so poor you begin to doubt your own sanity. Derived as a parody of 'ret-conned'
"I really got confused when I looked up the definition of sakes, truly was a bing-con"
When you are so into binging a series (particularly in anime) that you watch the opening and credits in addition to the show.
John: Have you seen SNK yet, Tim?
Tim: Yeah, I super-binged it
John: Damn, that's intense
a word refering to whatever someone thinks its refering to
an onomatopiea that sounds like a really weird bell
guy 1: do you like ring bing dingaling
guy 2: yes
guy 3: ring bing dingaling you got the answer correct guy 4
guy 4: the fuck is that even supposed to sound like
1๐ 1๐
BINGE is Telstra's little effort up against Netflix.
A birdy thinks BINGE is going to absorb in the waywood chemicals, to make a new'director' application. Fuckin Just What The 'Docordread' ๐ฝ we're all tired of pissy little wankers fucking around with pine fly spray and so forth
BINGE is Telstra's little machination effort up against Netflix.
A birdy thinks BINGE is going to be the new astral justify machination that uses technicallies to produce quality entertainment. Sounds bizarre, but it makes the world safe and FUN.
BINGE is Telstra's little machination effort up against Netflix.
A birdy thinks BINGE is going to be the new astral justify machination that uses technicallies to produce quality entertainment. Sounds bizarre, but it makes the world safe and FUN.
What you do when You watch a series for hours on end with no breaks usually late at night.
I totally binged watch the entire series of "New Girl" this weekend instead of doing y 5-page paper due tomorrow.