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Orange Mafia

“Orange Mafia” is a reference to the domestic terrorists of Stop the Steal and the Proud Boys, who wore orange gear as they participated in a seditious conspiracy on Jan 6, 2020 that attempted to overthrow our democracy. It has since been extended to include “Trump” Republicans who see themselves as his defenders. It is used by others to invoke orange jumpsuits worn by prisoners.

At a rally on July 22, 2022, the head of the Arizona Republican Party stated, “Ultra MAGA!!! I’m a proud member of the Orange Mafia!!”

by RiverAngel September 5, 2022

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Orange Russian

Currently rumored to be Donald Trump; i.e. something so compellingly convincing that you're sure it's true but it's not actually proven yet. In fact it could very well be true; and if true, but never proven, then due process cannot be served.

Man that Orange Russian stole the cards and won the show! Not even due process could catch up to that situation.

by Feathered Nest July 15, 2017

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Orange Mound

Orange mound was the first ever community made for African Americans by African Americans. It borders East Memphis and South Memphis, sitting roughly between Highland and Airways east to west and Lamar and Southern south to north.

Orange Mound is known by white Memphians "the most dangerous neighborhood in Memphis", which of course isn't true. It is more dangerous than most, but it only gets the reputation as the worst because it is a very well known area, probably because of its close proximity to The University of Memphis.

Park cuts straight through Orange Mound, and is perfectly fine to drive down, even at night. But if you're white you probably don't need to be walking around there. If you do it at night you probably deserve whatever ill fate you will inevitably meet.

Often its name is just shortened to The Mound.

"I hear shots ringing out from Orange Mound and Sherwood Forest every single night"

"Damn I thought you lived in a nice house on campus"

"Yeah but The Mound is just one block away"

by b9cl November 25, 2021

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Orange satan

A common colloquialism used to describe #45, due to his orange skin tone and lack of humanity .

Did you see what Trump did to kids, he had them put in cages! And his people lost almost 1,500 kids! Orange satan!

by Not Fake News May 4, 2019

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Orange Acorn

On the popular social media platform "Yik Yak", the Orange Acorn is one of many icons representing a user reply. It is by far the rarest icon to be used and is therefore very special. The user with the Orange Acorn is often assumed to have god-like power for that yikyak post.

The Orange Acorn has spoken.

by SomePersonFromEarth August 20, 2015

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orange banana

when a slow bunny sucks your dick until it turns Orange

she gave me an Orange banana

by jackrabbit one two January 22, 2018

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Orange highschool

A free,inspirational education center, letting greatness become reality at your finger tips. the educated and talented young people of the great school use knowledge of the arts to be able to release an albums such as "Down syndrome 4" or songs such as "silly thot"-🤮.Orange Motto "they crip our shoes cuz we play the game, don't mess around like these foos"-ghandi 1544 #freesam

Damn lemon 🍋 no orange highschool is a word

by Doodlebong October 13, 2019

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