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rolling pearl harbors

When a series of catastrophic events strike at one's life mercilessly, relentlessly, and leave one with kamikaze impulses.

Billy was so fuckin blown away by the ill fortune that came his away suddenly -- verily, it was like rolling pearl harbors -- that we huddled and pitied the next relationship he got into. She would pay, whoever she was -- and pay.

by barleycorn July 22, 2022

Period Pearl

A blood clot formed within thy vaginal tract in the shape of a pearl.

Flavor your chicken soup with a period pearl.

by FTWW December 15, 2023

washing the pearl

Female masturbation involving a lot of rubbing/circling of the clitoris; typically performed prior to, during, or after taking a shower.

"Stacy you've been in there for two hours! What are you doing?"

"Go away! I'm washing the pearl!"

by TheStenchofDiscovery July 1, 2015

Washing the pearl

A girls sneaky cover word for masturbating through clitoral stimulation. Often causes confusion.

"Katie was refusing to Skype me last night. She said she was busy 'washing the pearl'"

"What does that even mean?"
"Idk man, idk"

by izzie :3 June 28, 2015

Pearl Fish

The act of sticking your finger up someone's butt

When a pearl fish get scared they swim up into a sea cucumber so your finger is the pearl fish and the cucumber is the butt hole

Works best when walking upstairs

I was walking up the stairs and Brooke pearl fished my butt hole

by Wesdawg1234 March 6, 2016

Pearls Before Swine

An animated series about a guy named Martin Partin, his idiotic friend named Ronald, and a talking pig.

Pearls Before Swine is the worst show on television

by IntergalactalEnergy February 13, 2023

Maggie Pearls

A pearl necklace based flinch test. A cunning gentleman purposely delivers his relish into an unanticipated facial zone. Open eyes and nostrils present the greatest temptation. If the recipient does not recoil then it can be said that she is a lady not for turning and therefore passes the test.

How are you getting on with your new girlfriend?

Great mate, I think she's a keeper - I gave her Maggie Pearls the other night and she didn't flinch.

by ZeBagsy December 15, 2022