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You can tell a poser imitating a kind hearted person from a kind hearted person, since a poser wont pose as kindhearted without also adding something about themselves being badass to their claim of being kindhearted.

The poser would pose as kindhearted when he/she wanted acceptance from the kindhearted folks, and as an asshole when he/she wanted acceptance from assholes.

by Solid Mantis August 10, 2020


Someone who thinks they're making a major statement or changing the world every time they do something an asshole would do, like it's their first time being that way and they have to do/outdo more to prove they are an asshole to other assholes than everybody else.

The poser thought everything he/she said that an asshole would say needed to end up as a quote online somewhere, otherwise people would remember what he/she was like growing up.

by Solid Mantis August 10, 2020


Someone who is really everything they try to make fun of, while imitating everything they are while trying to make fun of somebody.

The poser had to wait on somebody else to come up with material so she would have something to say was not theirs originally.

by Solid Mantis July 24, 2020


If a guy has convinced people he's Italian (such as an actor in a movie), but he's not really Italian, no matter how believable the guy is, he's not authentic, so he's a poser.

The poser had convinced people that he/she was from hell and that he/she was hell, but since there was no hell, he/she was just another otherwise obscure poser.

by Solid Mantis May 1, 2020


Someone who is not who they say they are.

Even if he/she filed his/her teeth down into serrated edges and wore black contacts, he/she still wouldn't have anybody convinced that he/she was really a shark. He/she was a poser, posing as a man eating denizen of the seas.

by Solid Mantis March 5, 2021


The incorrect spelling for the word "Poseur". But if you must know, a poser is

pos·er pṓzər
(plural pos·ers)
(n) Someone who poses for a photograph or a work of art.

Look it up.

Although, a 'poseur', if that is what you meant, is

po·seur pō zúr
(plural po·seurs)

(n) A Pretentious Person: somebody who tries to impress others by behaving in an affected way

I'm unsure why people changed the spelling of it, but it is frowned apon. You have just made an ass out of you and me.

1) someone who poses (aka poser)

2) same as poseur (informal)

by Nerdfighter Ninja February 1, 2011


Someone using a genre/groups trend that they’re not a part of, for the purpose of looking cool, funny, trendy, or for attention.

“Why is he posting anime he doesn’t even watch it?”
“Idk he’s such a poser

by Seenaseena April 8, 2023