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sad panda

A part of the phrase, "I'm a sad panda," to use as often as you can in every conversation ever to everyone you know.

Use it especially if you want your online buddies to talk about you behind your back and call you names like the following: geek, turd, jerk, pig, fool, dick, fuckwad.

Geekturdjerkpigfooldickfuckwad: "im a sad panda *insert lame panda-esque emoticon here*"
Someone Cool: "DIE, BITCH."

by one angry recipient July 30, 2005

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Sad nigga hours

This the time of which a guy reflects on the dumb shit(heart break, something dumb that he said to his girlfriend/ex, etc...) that has happened in the past.

These hours are between 2:00am and 4:00am

I hate sad nigga hours

by Trini guy September 25, 2018

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Sad Homie Hours

the censored version of Sad Nigga Hours

however Sad Homie Hours can be abbreviated as 'shh', which is pretty dank tbh

Person 1: Hey, Sad Homie Hours (shh) later?
Person 2: for sure, gotta get some stuff off my chest

by 7373 December 14, 2017

sad-happy tears

Sad-Happy tears. These are the tears you shed that makes you look like you are crying but you really are overjoyed.

Over emotional Eric shed sad-happy tears when his wife arrived back from a long voyage to the grocery store.

by nvrminds August 13, 2015

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sad chigga hours

sad chigga hours are where a person of Asian descent gets in their feels from 12am-6am.

Konichiwa, it's sad chigga hours.

by The blasian chigga August 26, 2017

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sick sad world

(1) As appearing in the cartoon Daria;
(2) Used to express feelings of resentment towards others;

It is a sick sad world indeed and that is all i have to say about that so rar rar rar!

by zuggs October 22, 2003

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sad all over

An expression used when something disappointing happens to convey one's sadness/general discontent with the situation by portraying their entire body as being sad. The equivalent of expressions like FML and oh no! Can be abbreviated SAO, but it's really more fun to say out.

Person:"I've been excited all week to go to the beach tomorrow and now we're not going because it's going to rain! Sad all over ):"


Person to Friend:"I lost my cell phone, FML!"
Friend:"Nobody says that anymore, try 'sad all over.'"

by UDallday May 14, 2009

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