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social thinker

n. Person who doesn't think to excess; someone who isn't dim but who can't be bothered to cogitate in school.

The square root of 64? Are you kidding me? I am totally just a social thinker.

I studied hard all last semester and nearly lost all my friends. But, with the help of some total slackers, I managed to turn my life around and now I'm just a social thinker.

by gnostic1 September 10, 2011

21πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

social repose

Richie Giese is Social Repose, he is an alternative musician and youtuber. He is from Maryland and is known for his style which includes a beautifully crafted headress and several body pieces to make himself unique. Richie has done many covers of songs from genres ranging from rap to rock. He truly is a great musician.

me:omg did you see the new Social Repose video?!
her: yes! it was amazing!

by socialdistortion April 13, 2016

532πŸ‘ 496πŸ‘Ž

Social Moth

More or less the opposite of both a loner and a of course, a social butterfly, from which the term gets its name.

A loner prefers to do things his or her own way, and because of this avoids social contact and does not wish to be part of most groups.

A social butterfly is typically the life of the party, they have connection with all cliques and are generally well liked even if only for shallow reasons. They thrive in any situations that would allow them to flex the interpersonal skills.

A social moth on the other hand desperately wants to be a social butterfly, they look up to and even idealize the social butterflies they know; but secretly wish people would love and respect how "wonderful and unique they are" They try to befriend people who they deem as worthy of their praise and often chase around those that actually do have good social skills pathetically hoping to snag some of their glory.

Tim: I used Facebook to invite everyone to the party on Friday
Zack: I saw it, and I got an email from Bethany with some decoration suggestions.
Tim: I didn't even invite her. Last time she harassed everyone by trying to hand out dozens of political fliers when they left.
Zack: She heard about the party and invited herself, she's a social moth!

by LoneCourier November 3, 2010

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

cyber social

a person who doesnt have much social life otherwise, but has lots of friends on his online messengers whom he/she tries to make contact with desperately when online.

from a chat window...
Dave1 : Dude... last night when i was tipsy i realised how cyber social i am in this foreign country

Dave2 : yea dude... this chick told me that u were sending nudges to her like crasy last night !

by skidmark19 June 24, 2007

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Social Bully

A person who demands everyone's attendance at events and will not take "no" for an answer. Also, this person tends to discourage people from leaving social events and interrogates them as to the reason for the departure

Person 1: Are you going to happy hour?

Person 2: I wasn't planning on it but I didn't have a good excuse and Kristin wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

Person 1: She's such a social bully.

by coolrockt May 14, 2013

2547πŸ‘ 2520πŸ‘Ž

social leper

Someone who is so anti-social that if you hang around them a lot, you will find yourself becoming like them. Sort of like you caught their leprosy.

I used to be the biggest thing ever at this school. Then, I started hanging out with this social leper and now I have to beg for people to hang out with me

by Alex Pearson April 15, 2006

41πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Social Shit

When you’re hella socially awkward but get thrown into the shitstorm of social anxiety within conversations

Person 1: β€œWelp, I’m too socially awkward to survive out their”

Person 2: β€œNah, theirs just too much social shit flying around”

by Lord Profit November 12, 2019