An expression to replace "say cheese" when taking a photo of an unwilling/unsmiling subject.
Subject is unable to keep a straight face and will burst out in laughter.
Photographer: "say cheese!"
Subject: "uuugh"
Photographer: "squeeze your butt cheeks!"
Subject: "lol"
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When you and a partner of the female persuasion are engaging
in sweet passionate butt sex and you let your man juice go in her ass. To your shock and horror when you pull out, a horrible mixture of jizz and shit leaks out of her ass. This mixture closely resembles coffee and cream, thus you have "coffee cream butt cheeks".
That girl had a horrible case of coffee cream butt cheeks after I blasted a mean one in her cinnamon ring. I promptly threw up all over her, then doused my dick in Lysol.
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A retarded horny squirrel from Texas who lives in the fucking ocean and should be fucking dead!
Sandy Cheeksis an asshole who eats too fucking much
Spongebob: Go on a diet!
1đź‘Ť 31đź‘Ž
On May 19th it is National kiss on the cheek day where you can only kiss someone on the cheek and not lips
Man I cant french kiss my girl because it is National Kiss On the Cheek Day
“Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks” is a term/etc to express yourself by showing yourself love/lust to oversized ass cheeks also it’s originally coming from random peoples saying “Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks” to describe a bottom named Lawrence Mason Flack III aka WorldAssGod aka Leem419 aka ThaAssGod aka ThaAzzGod.
Alexander: Clap Your Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks For Me, My Queen.
They: *Clapping With Their Ass Cheeks On Alexander’s Cock*
“Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks” is a term created by Alexander Clifton Desnoyers and it’s originally comes from inside joke that no one’s truly understand. However. Alexander explained meaning of the term. It’s term to describe a “queen” figure that meant to be loved instead of lust towards individuals with big butts regardless it’s a girl or a guy. As for same sex. Alexander claimed mens with big butts are more like queen figures. Feminine. Only under different circumstances and situations.
Alex: “Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks”
Guy: What? What do you mean by that?
Alex: Let’s say you’re a queen that’s meant to be loved and cherished.
A man with a buttcheek for a head and has no arms
Holy Crap It’s a Butt Cheek Monster Man
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