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chair kid

its a kid stuck in a chair like a dumb ass

Dude1: the hell happend to dave
Dude2: his name is no longer dave it is CHAIR KID

by Bin there done that September 24, 2020

Faraj Chair

Faraj chair” That single chair in a hotel room that's always somehow facing the bed.

And Faraj always finds himself in that chair, because he’s a cuck 💀

There’s always a Faraj chair in a hotel room.

by Rodri Is Mid April 21, 2023

Stair Chair

A mystical phenomenon involving a chair that occurs in a University stair well. It is normally tied to Danny Devito, as some sort of pagan shrine. Common occurrences include the University of Lethbridge, and the University of Calgary. Although it has been spotted in SAIT, NAIT, UBC, and elsewhere across the country.

Dude: “hey bro did you see the stair chair today?”
Dudette: “yeah my guy, devito be praised ammirite? Now help me study or else I’m gonna flunk this calculus midterm”

by Stair chair November 23, 2021

Facebook Chair

Also known as, the toilet. So named as its the most common place smartphone users update there Facebook page

Is John on the Facebook Chair?

Bob: I have to go to the toilet.

Hubert: Dont you mean the Facebook Chair?

by BettyBlue March 11, 2011

Restraint Chair

A chair with restraints used to restrain someone

Lane McCotter was serving as the director of the Utah State Prison system on the day that Valent was put in a restraint chair

by JGS Studios February 10, 2023

sauce chair

when you cum in a chair

damn this is one big sauce chair!!

by snik September 26, 2017

arm chair

an arm chair is someone who is built like an arm chair. Often referring to people who sit on arm chairs regularly. BUT arm chairs CAN be GOOD PEOPLE! An arm chair is someone's closest friend so when someone calls you an arm chair it's not bad!

"Thank you, arm chair!"

by Azayakawa Yumiyo April 22, 2022