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Jennas Bush

Crawford, Texas colloquial for someone in need of a serious wax in the nether-region...

So I get down past her belly button and I realize she got some serious Jennas Bush goin on...and since I didn't have my whipper-snipper, I had to make a u-turn...

by Mr. Snufferoddigans June 18, 2008

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wookie bush

the ungroomed pubic region of a female, commonly found on a hippy or the elderly. It is characterised by patches of hair stemming from the crotch, creeping toward the knees or to the belly button. The term comes from chewbacca, known as a wookie.

man that chick had the biggest wookie bush i ve ever seen. Its like shes never heard of a razor or had Jimi Hendrix in a leg lock.

by jesus_gretzky March 16, 2009

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bush hankie

Aussie for a snot rocket

He didn't have any tissues so he used the bush hankie

by superhero March 22, 2005

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bush vampire

One who likes to eat out a girl while she is on her period. This practice (also known as giving a rainbow kiss) is very risky as to diseases and is also probably the most disgusting thing known to man.

He got hepatitis C from being a bush vampire.

by Jessica April 26, 2004

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Bush Ripe

How you refer to a foul smelling person who lives in the bush of Alaska who for lack of social interaction chooses to bathe on a monthly or possibly yearly basis.

Wow, that guy must be from Eagle, cause he is smelling Bush Ripe!

by Alaska Dave January 9, 2011

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bush burn

Like beard burn, but received from going down on a chick. Caused by pubes stabbing your (wet) face repeatedly.

Q. Is that a rash?
A. No, massive bush burn from eating my girl out all night.

by cysm May 19, 2005

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1. not in accordance with established rules, principles, social norms, or standards; substandard.

2. showing inadequacy by contrast to other norms so as to be viewed by others as uncivilized, uncouth, and unacceptable.

3. consistent with geographically remote and isolated communal pockets of individuals in which perceptions of reality are corrupt and/or personal value systems are perverse/abominable in comparison with civilized culture.

"After losing 250 of an initial 500 dollar deposit due to normal wear and tear, ultimately the tenant found he couldn't budge the landlord with regard to the bush-league decision, and it remained final.

"The bush-league price of gas is raping my ass."

by Czh May 17, 2008

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