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Fluffy cloud

A word used to stop people from having a hard on

“I’m a fluffy cloud ah my dick has gone down NICE!!”

by Daveyman123 March 30, 2022

Cloud gone

When you are too tired to think of a response~

Yooo dude sorry ion know how to answer i’m so cloud gone

it’s all good bro samee


greek cloud

when you see at the sky and one of the clouds are sharper than a knife

1; Wow, look at that greek cloud!
2; Are you fucking retarded?

by Venom Miller June 24, 2017

Cloud, the Lucid Shifter

A nickname for those that believe fictional characters are real.

1: hey, dude, I wanna fuck William Afton so bad
2: He's a child murderer
3: Okay Cloud, the Lucid Shifter

by the weird guy from texas December 28, 2022

st. cloud middle school

St. Cloud Middle School is one of the best schools in the state of Florida. There’s many opportunities for the children and the teachers and staff are very nice.

Where do you go to school?
Oh we go to St. Cloud Middle School
Oh cool, same!

by sour.loser January 28, 2018

peter cloud

Peter Cloud, also know as ImCloud on Youtube,

is the best Rapper, Comedian and also the best Human in the Universe.

Peter Cloud = mad - m*th*rf*ck*r

Did you hear the new Rap from Peter Cloud?

yEaH, Man he's such a mad - m*th*rf*ck*r idk how he can be that cool

That's true there is nobody that comes close to that beast!

by not peter cloud June 21, 2019

pizza cloud

Pizza Cloud

The place that you go after you bite into your first slice of pizza - after a hard day or a hard week - and for a moment, you can’t really hear, see or feel anything around you.

- So what do you want to watch tonight?


Anyone there…?


- Oh, sorry I didn’t hear a word you were saying. I was on my Pizza Cloud.

by Stivchik November 4, 2018