To possess a large amount of money; to be rich. Usually advertised in the most ostentatious way possible.
Hey check out Clark's diamond-studded turtleneck.
Yeah, dude is definitely guapped up.
The act of becoming completely intoxicated beyond human control, helplessly inebriated. Its one step beyond plastered, sauced, bombed, wasted, etc.
Lets start drinking early so we can get suissed up before getting to the bar.
Australian, British, adjective :
head first. upside down.
He fell arse-up on the front lawn
When a place is too packed to be comfortable, or when a place is hella popular or busy.
“We passed by the club and it was dee’d up so we went to the chill lounge instead.”
“Last nights party was dee’d up, the cops showed up too early.”
a way to excuse your drunken behavior. related to the consumption of fireball whiskey.
ex: sorry i fell into your grill and ruined the barbecue, i was fireballed up
When you are mentally or emotionally confused by a girl you want to be with.
Mann, she's got me all yazed up.
Gaming: When an initial hit/confirm is landed, presumably leading to damage .Prominent in the fighting game community or any games that would involve combat.
He was scared of the overhead so he blocked high and got opened up low
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