Source Code

Urban Dictionary

A website who's mods will accept the definition of TTD as Texas Turd Driller, but oddly enough, not Top Thrill Dragster, which is just.

Person 1: Holy crap I love TTD! :D
Person 2: What is that?
Person 1: Look it up on Urban Dictionary!
Person 2: Eww. You love Texas Turd Drillers...?
Person 1: ...No, I love Top Thrill Dragster, the roller coaster. You used an awful resource.

by TayTay581 December 13, 2006

47๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


(n.) A typically short combination of letters used together when an attention-loving internet user takes a commonly used phrase and abbreviates it for no reason and posts it on Urban Dictionary. The abbreviation usually does not even create an acronym and it is unlikely that anyone would understand what the abbreviation meant if it was used in any context what-so-ever.

While scrolling through Urban Dictionary last night I saw the newest of the useless Urban-abbreviations on the front page. A user decided they should post that lbd (an abbreviation for "little black dress") on the site, thus filling a spot on the page with useless garbage that doesn't need to be said.

by Sputnik17 July 29, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dicking

Adding somebody's name to the urban dictionary for the sole purpose of getting into his/her pants.

Did you see that urban dictionary entry?

Marc was totally urban dicking Marsibil.

yah mahn, she's hot. I totally tried urban dicking her.

by passdaDutchy February 4, 2010

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Urban Fictionary

Words that are made up and added to Urban Dictionary yet have no real meaning or are just pieces of other words such as words beginning with a single vowels such as U or R or a combination of U R.

Yp man, Urban Dictionary has no real credibility since it accepts any Urban Fictionary.

by Roid Ranger December 28, 2007

46๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban hiking

extensive shopping in a city shopping district (aka urban hiking trail) where paths or sidewalks adjoining different stores are open-air rather than enclosed.

the opposite of the typical mall shopping format found in a suburb, which is completely enclosed.

what did you do today?

oh, I went to the city for some urban hiking since the weather was so nice!

by (^(oo)^)v September 28, 2010

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urban dictionary

A web page that upsets a lot of experts because it isn't what they think it should be ,a listing of ghetto slang. 1 Urban means city so whites apparently don't live in cities, only blacks do. 2 Almost all of the words will never come into common usage , look in a real unabridged dictionary almost all of those words aren't commonly used. 3 A lot of the words are made up, duh all words are made up they don't fall from the sky. 4 If you don't use ghetto slang to explain ghetto slang it ain't real. Duh the purpose of a dictionary is to explain a word you don't know with words you do know. If i knew ghetto slang I wouldn't need the Urban Dictionary, A lot of definitions are long winded like this one. True but sometime a blurb is not enough. 6 The editing sucks. As far as I know the editors work for free, If you think you can do better become an editor Mr Expert. 7 Most definitions are full of spelling and English mistakes. True but like the song said I may not speak it right but I know what I'm talking about. 8 Most Definitions are written by bored teenage white boys. Could be but I'm not and I enjoy playing with words, and if my words end up dead ink no harm done. I enjoy being able to say what I think and if my definition causes you to give it a thumbs down at least you had to read it. If I ernied you so much the better.

The urban dictionary where the computer literate and the functional illiterate play in the mud much to the disgust ot the Literary.

by mikie the yorkie April 13, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban editor

Newest update to Urban Dictionary. Any regular Joe Schmoe can sign up in 5 seconds flat and choose which definitions to publish and which not to publish.

Urban editors define our lives.

by useful idiot March 25, 2005

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