Someone that is very "Mainstream" or a "Hipster".
Person1: Dude, check my new shirt, it's illin'.
Person2: Shut up you're just another Dick in the Water
An unknown material only owned by Mario, he flexes about it on his rap battle against Sonic as shown in the documentary: Mario vs Sonic - Cartoon Rap Battles made by Calobi Productions and in the phrase "wrist waters on my neck, Sega is a wreck" you can see Mario is showing his dominance
Mario: "Wrist Waters on my neck, Sega is a wreck"
The Crowd: Holy shit that was a great roast
Chiron. Chiron is a Water Chimp
That dude over there is such a Water Chimp
When you are so bad, not even dog water or rice water can express it
Omg I boxed that guy, he’s so frickin fish water
A restaurant item used to drink not water but is used to drink fountain drinks. This beverage is perfect for those who don’t wanna spend the extra $3
Cashier: would u like a drink?
Me: no I will take a water cup
When you smash a bunch of water and get that rush of freshness
I feel great after drinking that, it's like i'm water high
Scots phrase for any form of booze.
"Man i had 'nuff Cheeky Water last night"