Zoe is an amazing girl who will never betray you. She is so godamn hilarious and she can make an entire room laugh. If you're friends with a Zoe, DO NOT LOSE HER! She is athletic and so insanely talented, and can help with basically anything. Sometimes when she's mad at you she can be so fierce, she'll make you piss your pants. A Zoe is usually a brunette that's average or short heighted. When she's with her closest friends, trust me, you'll see her wild and hilarious side! Zoe's so pretty every guy would wish to date her.
Girl 1: Babe who's that?
Boy 1: oh that's Zoe! Of course she is!
Girl 1: Stop staring!!
Zoe: oh its fine I don't mind it, but next time, if you want my autograph just ask ;) Call me!
Zoe is a girl that is very cute and hot. She is so sweet and nice. She doesn’t spread and unhappiness. At first she is shy but then she becomes very sweet when you get to know her.
Zoe is the the type of person you see and you automatically think yeah that person is cool Zoe is loving and is always there for you even in their lowest zoe is the best person to come around you
Zoe is so fucking awesome
Most sexy thing ever and is prob in love with that one weird guy/girl in the halls, and are way to good for them but love them anyway, but never has the balls to tell them. They are %100 emo, white boy or just quiet. Anyway you are super sexy and put up with everyone's crap and we all know you are secretly depressed. Zoe is very loud and has many friends, while being so god damn nervous and introverted.
Zoe <3
She is my bestie, i want to habe more than only one zoe ❤😍😍😍
How are you feeling ?
Really bad at all ...
I think you need a zoe
built like the carriage from cinderella, goes red while walking cause shes so fat, speaks like a man, wears 7 layers of makeup to try and cover up her fatness (doesn't work), tells people her fat is muscle, definitely acts like her tits r her only personality as if she wouldn't have them if she wasn't so fucking obese
'What's that sound?'
'Zoe's probably walking nearby'