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jordan gamage

a dumb short coon

that's a jordan gamage

by the boys and men June 21, 2023

taylor jordan

an amazing person who really wants the best for everyone.Generally a red head that has bad fashion sense.once you get her don’t give her away and that’s on periodt.

guy 1-shes hot

guy 2-shes taylor jordan

by on tha gang October 10, 2019

Dildo jordan

The act of slam dunking a dildo into the ass of someone doing a handstand

Jerry "do a handstand"

Bruce "why"

Jerry "I have a dildo so I can dildo Jordan you"

Bruce "oh ok"

by Kumduff June 1, 2016

Jordan Matya

A multi-talented person from Illinois. He is an up-and-coming star. Matya is a great athlete. He is funny, smart, and very good-looking!

Girl 1: Oh my gosh! Jordan Matya winked at me in the hall today!!

Girl 2: No way!!

by Sexy Mama 242 December 6, 2006

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Fuck Jordan

A funny xd meme

Anyone: Hey Do you know a funny joke?
Autists: HAHA FUCK JORDAN HAHA i have crippling autism
Anyone: Upvoted!
Damn guys this sad lets get theis post up to the top so this comes up when you search mods are asleep

by Fjofijmdsogmdkmg July 8, 2018

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Jordan Status

When you basically roast everybody at your local basketball court.Hence, Jordan, referring to michael jordan.

Guy#1-Wow, you know that black guy yesterday at the basketball court?

Guy#2-the one that stole my bike?

Guy#1-uhhh no, the one with the triple double.

Guy#2-ohh yeahh, he was in Jordan Status!

by who are YOU!? December 5, 2009

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Creased jordans

When a black guy goes on a murderous rampage

"Oh shit that guy has creased jordans! Run for your lives!"

by Gilliams May 24, 2022

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