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Sarah Sheppard

A piece of shit, with pieces of corn and black beans stuck inside of it. It smells awful and ruins relationships.

dude 1 - "Dude, why does the whole house smell like rank shit?"
dude 2 - "because I ate a nasty empanada and took a Sarah Sheppard"

by ColombianButtSlut August 10, 2020

Sarah Watts

The most beautiful girl in the world. A lovely person, with a heart of gold. Someone that a guy called Richard loves dearly!

I can't believe i'm so lucky to be going out with Sarah Watts. She's too good for me.

by Mr.Big;) September 21, 2010

587๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Syedis

When you have an uncontrollable cough that lingers for months at a time. Can bruise ribs to the point of hospitalization. Possibly resulting from copious amounts of room temperature Coca-Cola.

"Are you OK?" "Yes, just suffering from Sarah Syedis."

"Is that your allergies acting up?" No, its Sarah Syedis!"

by Marioooooooooooo April 24, 2019


A Sarah bear is a beautiful and wonderful creature that roams free in the land of its choosing. A Sarah-bear mostly spends its time with a Rob-dog and itโ€™s friends. A Sarah-Bear is very much loved by its peers and they consider her to be one of the most important bear of their pack. A Sarah-bearโ€™s diet mainly consist of people like you for breakfast and fizzy drinks to keep up her bubbly attitude.

TASClassof2009: We love Sarah-Bear

by Wrath of the Starfish August 7, 2009

85๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

sarah rose

not a skank. Actually a nice lady.

"Yo i heard that sarah rose girl is a skank!"

"No, actually shes a nice lady."

by bumsumsun October 29, 2012

184๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stalker Sarah

Stalker Sarah (SarahMonline) is a teenage girl who 'stalks' celebrities and gets her picture with them. She is said to have met over 200 celebrities in the last 4 years, and some celebrities she has met over 20 times. (eg. One Direction)
Sarah Stalker trended on twitter on the 28/01/2012 for around 4 hours, as she got kicked out of the LAX airport for supposedly pushing over One Direction fans.

Stalker Sarah, in all of her photos, has medium length-brown hair with a rounded fringe to her eyebrows, round (circle) glasses and the same smile for every photo, giving the illusion she was photo shopped into the photos, when she was indeed, not.

Sarah: No, I want to meet them
Girl: You've already met them
Sarah: So
Boy: Stalker Sarah

by OneDirectionsBiggestFan January 28, 2012

124๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sarah-rose is a kind hearted beautiful girl. They tend to care about there friends so much that they actually forget about how important they are if you know a Sarah-rose tell her how amazing she is. Sarah-roses are the selfless friend you can tell everything to, sheโ€™s supportive and smart. Sarah-roseโ€™s have a hard time releasing how amazing and kind they are. They deserve the world and more Sarah-roses are better then heather but have a hard time Realising it. So if you know a Sarah-rose give her a hug and let her know sheโ€™s beautiful, smart, funny and kind

Person: have you seen Sarah-rose today

Person 2: yeah how could I not Sarah-rose is just the best

by A very proud friend September 24, 2020