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What is up?

The way you greet a friend when you are feeling a little bit retro and a little bit geeky.

What is up my brother?

by Anonymous August 19, 2003

139👍 57👎

What the [deuce]?

A question similar to "What is going on?" or "What the hell?"

"Hey dude, you haven't called me in something like three weeks. What the deuce?"

by Kaylie Klopf April 27, 2005

42👍 14👎

What the Fail

A way of saying what the fuck or wtf and the same time as expressing your feelings about the event in question being a fail.

Guy 1: Did you hear about Justin Bieber not knowing what German was?
Guy 2: The language?
Guy 1: Yeah man.
Guy 2: Dude, what the fail?!

by bird875 May 7, 2010

Wynnum What

Notorious group of good looking, intelligent people online that like to complain about fireworks, helicopters, roaming dogs, group cyclists, whilst supporting their local clubs “up the gullies” or “up the mighty buggies” and occasionally doing a vorteke.

“ did ya have a guise at the Wynnum what page and see some punk let fireworks off again”

“Good dam helichoppa at it again, wonder why? Might have a guise at the Wynnum what”

by Wynnumwhatter February 16, 2021

Whats swappin

The alternative way to saywhats up” but youll have more clout saying “swappin”

Michael saidwhats swappin b”

by Michaeldeeznuts August 18, 2019

tricommo what

'tri' as in trigganomatry and 'commo' as in the spanish word for what. used when one is confused.

"The cube root of 234987987 is divided by the variable within the radican."

by giustina January 31, 2005

what a dumbass

the thing you say when your scrolling though random definitions on the urban dictionary and you see some asshole

saying “why are you looking this up in the urban dictionary anyway? weirdo.”

human: sees a definition that includes “what are you doing looking up dick in here you dick!” what a dumbass *proceeds to airstrike the guys house*

by skibiditoiletamongussussyballs October 21, 2023