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A toddler in a grown ass body who believes that this coronavirus pandemic is not killing thousands of people and that masks don't work. A typical anti-masker would be a middle-aged Karen who can be seen protesting on the streets or in a store without a mask, spreading and potentially exposing themselves to the deadly virus, or yelling out "masks are an infringement of my constitutional rights!" to a poor employee in a retail store who has to risk their health and the health of their loved ones to make a living.

Anti-maskers refuse to wear masks in store, or better yet, wear their masks under their noses. They have to be told to wear their masks properly, just like a cat owner that has to tell their cat to stop eating plastic as it is not digestible. The cat doesn't learn. These people are so stupid that it leaves smart people completely baffled as to how they are in their 40s and still this dumb, and better yet, alive.

Anti-maskers are 2020s' new and updated version of anti-vaxxers. Still harming people's health, still entitled dumbasses, its all the same just with a different name in a different time.

Some anti-maskers can even be seen coughing on food in grocery stores, or on people or police officer's faces. Some have been charged with acts of terrorism, for knowingly spreading a deadly and highly contagious virus. Anti-maskers are generally regarded as the dumbest and most selfish people alive. Many American anti-maskers are avid orange buffoon followers.

Anti-Masker = Look at that grown ass man laying on the floor having a tantrum, refusing to wear a mask! That poor police officer who has to deal with this baby.

by Urban-Mask December 23, 2020

27πŸ‘ 878πŸ‘Ž

Anti furry

Someone who opposes the furry movement and will stand against them. Most anti furrys know many arguments and examples about how furrys are bad. It is important to understand that anti furrys are still people.

Person1: hey do you know what a furry is?
Anti furry: yes and I hate them the fandom is not safe for kids
Person1:ok now let’s get drinks
Anti furry: yes

by Intop43 February 12, 2023

12πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Anti vaxxer

A type of stupid person who opposes scientific and medical research in order to prevent the spread and deaths from diseases in favour of untrusted publishers who feed them bullshit after bullshit about how vaccines cause harm and this and that, fully rejecting all groundbreaking and true scientific research for their idiotic ideologies, further endangering the world population and even the children who they claim to want to 'protect'.

"My children shall naturally tough out all diseases out there!", said the Anti vaxxer

by LemonSucker99 February 16, 2018

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A state of undermining newbieness, in which you are said to be great, but indeed are not.

"I played this guy called "Str8 HED SHOT" on Socom II last week and he didn't get one fuckin snipe kill. He's anti-1337."

by Kiss of Judas October 1, 2005

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Come on people. And i'm not talking to you townies out there. I'm talking to the rockers. Goths, grungers, skaters, greebs, whatever you want to call yourself, there's no denying the fact that we all have two things in common. 1. We all listen to some form or another of rock music.
2. We have all recieved at some time or another abuse from townies/chavs for the fact that we dress differently and listen to different music than them.
So, why are we sitting here mouthing off to one another? Having a go at goths because they're 'suicidal' or 'pretending to be depressed', having a go at grungers coz they 'think they're individual but theyr not'. Please, don't we have enough to deal with from the scum townies without fighting amoungst ourselves? Let us join together in our joint love of rock (long may it live) and our hate for townies! Heed my advice!
Ps, i am not stoned, i am trying to spread a little love in an altogether hateful world xxx!

Rocker1: Oh my god! You're a goth!
Rocker2: Oh my god! You're a grunger!
*evil stares alround*
Townie: Oi u fookin mosha twats!
*rockers look at each other and smile*
Rocker1: Lets go beat the crap outta the little fucker!
Rocker2: Yeah man!

by Altu mequera orcu March 27, 2005

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The mother of all anti's, second only to anti-abortion. A rhetorical handgrenade thrown at anyone who questions/critisizes the state, or who otherwise fulfills democracy. Aslo known as intellectuals, academics, the French, Democrats, left-wingers, activists, thinkers, the ROW, and...well....pretty much anyone who has the mental capacity to think for themselves.

While 69% of Americans believed Saddam was directly connected to 9/11, the other 31% was scoffed at for being "anti-American"

by sinn98 September 14, 2004

56πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Anti feminist

Someone who regards the human race as a line of Barbie and Ken dolls. Any man or woman who doesn't fit the model of a Barbie or a Ken is deemed defective. (Unfeminine women are accused of "trying to be men," un-masculine men are deemed "pussies" or "fags," etc.) The anti feminist blames feminism for the fact that the sexes don't look like the cast of "Leave it to Beaver" or "Happy Days," assuming that tomboys, career women, homosexuals, and nerds never existed before the women's lib movement of the 1960s came along and "destroyed femininity/masculinity."

"Don't tell Ms. Wilson that you're going back to work after your kid's born. She's an anti feminist."

by The Chickens Are Revolting December 22, 2014

534πŸ‘ 571πŸ‘Ž