A spastic who is fit and autistic
Did you hear brodie bacon is doing princess trust
The act of driving to a parking lot, dialing 911 on a burner phone, and attempting to masturbate and finish before police arrive.
Todd was fake baconing, trying to bust a thrill nut last week and he caught a charge for indecent exposure. He's looking at a third strike situation since he had a firearm and blow in the car with him. I don't know what to tell his family, man. His daughter's third birthday is next week. That kid doesn't stand a chance.
Using strong smells to cover up the smell of a fired gun.
I used a scented candle to cook bacon after discharging my 44 mag through my living room wall.
Only found at whataburger. The most burnt bacon you’ll see in your life. Called “Saul Bacon” because it sounds about right.
Man wtf is this, it’s the Saul bacon in my sweet n spicy bacon burger
The 1 or 2 pieces of bacon You leave behind as a courtesy for the lazy people that slept through breakfast.
I woke up to the smell of breakfast only to find out that you didn’t even leave me a piece of pity bacon to go with the stale pancakes and cold eggs.