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condom mile

The desperate half-mile sprint a man makes to a local convenience store when he desperately wants sex, has a partner, but isn't willing to risk spawning a crotch goblin. Upon arriving back with condoms, the Condom Mile is complete

Sarah: "Y'know, I was really disappointed I couldn't sleep with Richie at that party last night..."
Jessica: "You should've just had him make the Condom Mile."

by Turtle-Cakes April 6, 2024


Where a man looses his erection during intercourse and blames it on the condom.

Man, I couldn't stay hard for that pig last night. After loosing my wood, I told her I had condomitis, hoping she'd do me bareback or oral but she didn't. It was probably the alcohol more than the condom.

by coneyman69 November 3, 2013

African condom

An African condom is an Egyptian foreskin.

When procuring an African condom, one must meet with an Egyptian, who makes all genders try his foreskin for free. This repulsive act is only followed by the Egyptian taxi driver holding their belongings for ransom.

by ecaleohs June 3, 2023

Condom Foot

is what happens when you have a bunch of shitty friends who wrap contraceptives around your feet as you are blackout drunk. Caution- may cut off blood circulation in the foot area.

“K got shitfaced last night, and everyone gave him condom foot.”

by Cay7200 June 10, 2018

Meat Condom

When a man penetrates a woman while being penetrated anally by a man.

I totally used Tom as a meat Condom to fuck Katie the other day. It was so bro hot.

by Pepperoni hanger baby October 28, 2017

Columbian Condom

When a male covers his genitalia in cocaine, then engages in intercourse with a female.

Dude Carlos totally gave Katarina a columbian condom, she was messed up, but she was feeling great!

by Nor Y Mac September 9, 2012

knitted condom

Knitted Condom is a term to describe how useless a person is as it mirrors how useful a legitimate knitted condom is

He’s as useful as a knitted condom

by Cock Slinger1000 June 5, 2022