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Davis is an absolute dawg who will shit on you on Fortnite and gets no play. He’s funny af and chill to be around. Plays football but warms the bench till it’s golden brown.

I lost a 1v1 in fortnite
“Oh, you were probably going against Davis”

by Fucklebronjames May 4, 2022


Davis is a funny and attractive intellect who occasionally talks to girls to try and cover up the fact that he loves little boys.

“Do you know Davis?”
Oh yeah, that one guy who loves little boys.”

by Fucklebronjames May 4, 2022


Davis is an amazing friend. You can tell him anything and he won't judge. He has a good taste in music and a great sense of humor. Davis is also very smart and understanding. He thinks he doesn't have many friends, but anyone would be lucky to have him as one. faithful to his girlfriend and very very very rare. He's always got something to say to make a girl feel special. He's super cute and always sweet. A good kisser. he gives he gives the best hugs ever and only thinks bad of themselves.

Davis is fun to all.

by Bob BB bbbbb May 19, 2021


Big Dick, very attractive and pulls all the girls. Plus knows how to dress

Omg look at Davi over there he's so hot

by Lily smith 69 November 22, 2021


A sus person that does suspicious things while in public.

Davis is so sus for saying that.

by qwedsaqwedsa December 20, 2021


Davis is a very cool and handsome young man with an extremely large penis. He is also extremely rich and wealthy and also a very loyal man. Did i mention he has a very large cock too? He’s also an amazing friend with a very large penis.

Girl 1: Whos that guy packin all that dick?
Girl 2: Oh, thats just Davis

by Deltaxide November 21, 2021


Davi has long legs but is also very short mean grumpy and very pale. She might look like she has vanes popping out her face or and hands and eyes. She has long finger nails that can't cut you

Do not trust this Davi girl she might look innocent but is a devil don't trust.

by Stroof November 22, 2021