Source Code

Dare Devil

Do things dangerous and has to be recorded and not be embarrassed but have to delete it after.

“He’s being a dare devil by pooping in a tree.”

by Jake Rylance April 21, 2019

going devils

Putting someone in a situation just to test their loyalty.

She is going devils on her man to see if he'll cheat on her! I hope that backfires!

by JayStep92 February 17, 2017

Yellow Devil

The boss of the first Dr. Wily stage in the original Mega Man and it's remake, Mega Man: Powered Up, though it also appears in other games. It attacks by turning parts of it's body into yellow globs, then shooting them across the room, where they reform into the part of the body said glob was originally. It's weak spot is it's red and black eye, which it can fire lasers from. Despite having a weakness to the Thunder Beam and a consistent pattern, it's considered one of the hardest bosses in the Mega Man series.

Oh great, not the Yellow Devil...

by Murphmario November 21, 2020

Devils Eyebrow

The infested minge hair of a harlot.

That girl's got the devils eyebrow.

by BGirl94 March 20, 2014

The Devil’s Combo

The undesirable male genital configuration of a small penis with large balls.

My son committed suicide from shame over his tiny dick and big balls — a textbook example of the Devil’s Combo.

by Bob Densmore September 7, 2021

Devil's Wrist

Wanking so hard your banjo string starts to bleed and sting until you've finished and jizz everwhere

Man i wanked so hard last night i gave myself a devil's wrist

by RecklessRhys June 24, 2021

Devil's Shotgun

Legends tell of a stoner so perpetually baked that smoke expels from all orifices, including the anus. A daring person may inhale this "secondhand smoke" by pursing their lips to the anus and taking a "hit." This is dubbed the "Devil's Shotgun."

"Tony showed up and Andrea hit the Devil's Shotgun from his ass, it was diabolical "

by queef_disco666 June 26, 2023