To be a very low or poor quality douchebag
I met this guy the other night that seemed real nice at first but he turned out to be a Dollar store douchebag!
A trio of strippers with one leading prostitute.
Hey who are these girls walking down the street? Oh, those are dollars and dolls.
A woman who is a little better looking than the normal Dollar General patrons. She actually has all her teeth, doesn’t go out in public in her pajamas. 85% chance she’s a single mom, 50% chance she’s paying with EBT. However, would be considered a 4 in any other environment.
Stayed too long at the bar… looks like I’m taking a Dollar General Seven home.
fif-teen dol-lar
/fif' ten, 'fif, ten/ daler/
plural noun: fifteen dollars
a masta piece for your wallet.
This mastapiece cost's fifteen dollars. Now that is what you call a mastapiece for your wallet.
A club for men who buy Plan B or any other Birth Control after unprotected sex.
"Hey Luke, did you take home that chick from last night?" "Yeah, but I ended up joining the 50 Dollar Club."
When you have an irrational argument over something miniscule and then realize how pointless it was afterwards.
"Did I really just argue over how to dab correctly? That was such a 2 dollar argument.."