a person who has average/high levels of intelligence but is unbelieveably slow at undertaking menial tasks, such as washing up, pouring a glass of water or trying to tie their shoe laces. following in on from this, people who they then come into contact with, end up becoming slow at tasks they are involved with, even if they are usually efficient.
Ben: hey buddy, howcome you're taking so long? we're going to miss our flight?
Tim: sorry, ive just been on the phone to matt, i don't know whats gotten over me
Ben: the barker effect strikes again
When you think it's the Mandela effect, but resulting from autism you mistake it for the Madonna effect.
"hey man, you messaged me to play red dead" "no i didn't, I think your experiencing the Madonna effect"
When your sister hooks up with your girlfriend and she becomes your escomo sibling.
I got hit with the waters effect this weekend how do I tell my Dad!
A stock price that crashes after Jim Cramer pumps it.
Jim Kramer gave Netflix a buy rating.
Price just dropped $100. Cramer effect.
“No! No! No! Bear Stearns is fine,” Cramer shouted in response to the question. “Do not take your money out. Bear Stearns is not in trouble. If anything, they’re more likely to be taken over. Don’t move your money from Bear. That’s just being silly. Don’t be silly.”
When Gasper Vidmar goes off the court during a game everything in the world goes wrong
No hitler was reborn it must be the Vidmar effect.
Doing something so morally wrong or embarrassing, but blaming it on not remembering or the substances you consumed.
“Bro did you not take home Sam Wells”
“Ya but it’s the chambers effect, I don’t remember it”
When someone gets more attractive the more you see them
Like Pam from the office
"she had the biggest pam effect on me"