The Breath of Death (shortened to BoD) is used to describe someone with such unbearably pungent breath that, with one whiff of the stench, it may cause someone to enter a state of anaphylactic shock. It instantly repels anyone from the local vicinity, causing a mass evacuation within the area. Anyone who makes it out alive may develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which may induced seizures if the scent is smelt again. This means that it is the list of notorious conversation killers (something that stops people wanting to talk to you).
BoD may occur if you eat: Raw onions, raw garlic, coffee, fish and other foods that have really strong scents. It also occurs when you wake up from a long nap (morning breath). Fasting for a lengthy period of time or having an exceptionally dry mouth will intensify the stench of BoD.
Damn, Mr Rock. You got the Breath of Death, blud. Take a breath mint, wasteman.
the most fearsome piece of cloth ever
unhand me Blanket of death
Kill someone and then poop on there face
A: I'm gonna kill you and poop on your face!
B: Don't poop on my face.
C: That son of a bitch is gonna get a death carl!
a state someone feels when they go to college and failed every exam, but passed the class with a D.
Bob failed his engineering exam, but he passed his class. He is in a state of academic death.
A condition where subjects near subject Omega will undergo one of the 10 outcomes.
1. They explode.
2. They give up any money or candy on hand where contact is made.
3. They teleport to a distant planet.
4. They become a subject Omega, where it can spread Arberempic Death, and any who have it and come near will face the four effects.
5. They become a living planet.
6. They have their IQ put into this equation. IQ^-999
7. They feel the need to drink chocolate milk.
8. They feel the need to be an idiot.
9. They will explode into chocolate milk.
10. They become dependent on everyone else.
If you have Arberempic death, doctors advise you to stay away from Arber/Subject Omega.
A subject with Arberempic death consumes 2 gallons of chocolate milk every 6 hours.
A zero-to-death combo, commonly referred to as a zero-death or 0-death for short, is a combo, usually particularly long and intricate, that starts on an opponent at 0% damage, and ends with the eventual KO of the character being comboed.
Bro! I totally Zero to Death you with the Captain Falcon last game! lol
(n.) the choice to give up on your crush because you've been put on the shelf for too long.
Humans tend to carry shelf lives of several months -- much shorter than that of canned foods. The average human will shelf die more than once in their life.
Luke is going through a tough shelf death after Mary stopped responding to his messages last month.