Someone who can't handle their booze and carries on like a complete bellend.
Everytime he drinks, Nick turns into nothing but a pissed idiot.
The idiot hipster believes that a band that has a fan base can't be a good band and prefers a band that sells NO albums because it proves to the idiot hipster that the band has too much integrity to sell out.
anybody making the grave mistake to join a windette stream
Nkgistoohardplshelp just trash landed in idiot central
If something has a substantially higher cost than the materials that went into it, it has a high idiot index, according to Elon Musk. High idiot index items are usually overly complicated to manufacture. This is a term he used internally at his companies, according to his biography written by Walter Isaacson.
"This rocket valve costs $50,000 despite it being made of $200 of steel and similar car parts costing $500. It has a very high idiot index."
In technology or telecommunications companies, the first level of technical support. Called idiots because they typically have no idea how things work and are just reading off a script.
Called Comcast because my DVR wouldn't power on. Their idiot layer said I needed to reboot it.
A term used when someone does something really dumb on their part, or when somebody does something to make you so angry, that you will stop at nothing to hunt that person down, and eat their first born child.
Guy1: That fucker just hit my car and drove away!
Guy2: Wuddan idiot!