what autocorrect sees fuck as it sees fuck as duck
Guy 1: oh duck you
Guy 2: did you mean fuck?
Guy 1: ducking autocorrect
Guy 2: autocorrect?
Guy 1: DUCK!!!!
Guy 1: im going to ducking kill myself
Hey steve ill be right back im going to pet my spider in the bathroom!
Another way to say "i am going to go masturbate", this phrase is used by the male gender
in a series of texts messages it would go like this:
Yo bro wyd?
Im finna strangle my shit
oh shit lmao ttyl
This sentence originates from M3RKMUS1C's channel and is used as another way of saying fuck this shit im out and then usually commit suicide in the game.
"Oh look double disaster, Fuck this shit im kms-ing"
"Oh look double disaster, Fuck this shit im kms-ing"
expression used after a practical joke has been played on a fellow subordinate
"Hey Jim... your mother is dead"
"oh my god really....?"
"Nah ...only pulling your plonker"
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fuck boredom just like i fuck my stepsister im very bored so im doing dumb shit on urban dictionary dic
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