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Anchor blue

Clothing store. Sells some decent clothing. Some of there stuff is pricey but worth whatever you pay. One thing I dont like about Anchor Blue's clothing is that they tend to shrink ALOT after washing. So I recommend you buy a size larger then what you normally wear for best fit.

I got a good deal on some basic tee's from Anchor Blue.

by Cm567 August 21, 2006

53๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blue Hair

What 90% of millenial feminists with depression have.

Lulu has blue hair.

by Tingle Likes Rupees February 13, 2020

532๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

blue ovaries

the female equivalent to blue balls.

"We were fooling around so much this weekend but we never did anything to release. I got a serious case of blue ovaries now."

by Mallory84 May 25, 2006

112๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blue screen

A computer nerd's nightmare.

Computer nerd: "OH NOES!! I got thee blue screen of death! It hath smitten me with ye's mighty pen of DOOM brouthen unto thee by an error caused by evil microsoft's computer! Bill gates is the devil! I shall hit return, then ctrl alt del! then I shall tell other fellow nerd's that the blue screen of death is the worst possible thing to ever happen to anyone anytime anywere in canada! Or US! Because we think US is the best because we think we are the best cuz we think wer better than cnadsa because we think we are smarter arne better and more articyultate andd such. NERDS UNTIE!!"

by Keael January 8, 2006

272๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

blue collar

adjective: working class. I don't know how it became OK to equate blue collar with redneck. I was born and raised just a few miles west of Manhattan (I'm from New Jersey); I don't wear a mullet or a wife beater; I don't drive a pickup truck; and I am an unabashed and unashamed liberal. I am not a redneck; I am blue collar, a member of the working class, and damned proud of it.

redneck: ah hate niggers, jews, catholics, librals, commies, rich people, and anyone else who's not like me.
blue collar: I work with my hands to create the goods and services that people in my community need. I may be of any race, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. Without people like me, this country would cease to exist as we know it.

"I work, therefore I am." Rene Descartes, philosopher and laborer

by earpuller November 13, 2005

1288๐Ÿ‘ 637๐Ÿ‘Ž

blue devil

1. A reference to members of certain Crip sets, usually substituting the letter "C" for the letter "b" in the word "blue". Commonly associated with Hoova sets, predominately 5~2 and 5~9.

2. A mixed drink containing liquor (usually vodka), and Blue Demon flavored Full Throttle energy drink.

1. That lil' Clue Devil rolled up talkin' bKout "Wutz CraCCalaCCin' Cuzz?"

2. We were mixin' Grey Goose blue devils all night and were still throwd when the sun came up.

by xXSyKoXx January 8, 2008

89๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

blue eyes

The second most common eye color, it is usually attributed with people from the Baltic Sea area (Northern Europe). In many cultures blue eyes are considered more beautiful than other colors, but many brown eyed people disagree. This may be explained by the following.
It is generally considered a recessive trait, its persistance in European countries is attributed to blue-eyed people finding blue eyes more attractive than other colors.
Blue eyes are much less common than brown, and much more common than green. Talking world population wise, brown eyes are common everywhere, blue are only in high percentages in Norhtern Europe and the "colonies" (Canada, the United States, Australia), and green is only present in large numbers in Iceland.

Jon: She has amazingly beautiful blue eyes!
Mark: I dont know dude, they arent all that great.

by Zemo January 27, 2008

1140๐Ÿ‘ 564๐Ÿ‘Ž