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Freeway Jams

the act of receiving a blowjob while driving on the freeway.

Dude1: Man I passed you on the freeway and you were swerving all over the road..

Dude2: Yeah, my girl was giving me Freeway Jams hard to concentrate with her head in my lap.

Dude1: That explains it!

by plummajoe February 29, 2012

Space Jammed

When your bitch ass friend steals your skill in order to win a bet or competition of any sort

Well i bet i could shoot three free throws but James Space Jammed me and shot them all blind folded.

by Girdlemaster June 9, 2017


1. verb. Generally used to describe the certain kicking of butt. Essentially, it means you took a severe wallopping.

1. Watch your back, shoe thief, 'cause I'm gonna space-jam your ass!
2. Oo nasty bruise, shoe thief, you got space-jammed.

by lizzip April 21, 2005

Facebook Jamming

When two or more people in a room try to get on Facebook @ the same time and one person gets on and the other doesn't.

*Class Starts*

Me: "Dude! Stop Facebook Jamming me!"
Dude: "Hey man... Don't blame me. Someone's gotta lose."

by NOMnomNOMDie October 13, 2010

Jam Pusher

The kind of person who makes several metric asstons of jam every year, turns up unannounced at your house with carrier bags of full jam-jars, then "accidentally" leave those bags at your house even though you've flatly refused any more bleedin' jam (which you had to do because all your cupboards are full of jam from them doing the same last year, and you couldn't even shift it on to anyone else because all *their* cupboards are full of jam).

Original coinage by Johnny Defective (Norwich, United Kingdom)

"I love seeing Auntie Doris, but she's a total jam pusher. I went to visit her once and when I got home I found a jar of raspberry marmalade in my handbag."

by Shinydan August 10, 2014

Jam Locked

To Chill Meaning Jam out and the Locked stands for the area is locked by your crew and kno one can enter this domain.

Yo conor we got this area jam locked boi.

by Crunk Bastard May 1, 2007

Jam Scraper

A sexual act in which a person fingers a female partner whilst on their period.

Matt: “So in the threesome the other day I went to finger one of the girls and she was on her period!”

Ollie: “Ha! You absolute Jam Scraper!”

by Jeff_- December 13, 2020