Source Code

Mr. Dutcher

A ginger teacher with a jewfro and a tie. Takes his sweet time to grade work

"Damn Mr. Dutcher is taking too long to grade my work"
"Yeah, he's pretty gay"

by BagOfPlums69 April 13, 2016

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Mr Tigani

A word used to describe a very tall and handsome man with so much music knowledge it's almost impossible not to fall in love with him, a more trustworthy resource than Ultimate Guitar.

That man is so incredibly good at music and stuff, he's a Mr Tigani!

by therealnatedogg72 August 9, 2023

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Mrs. Collins

Mrs.Colloms is a real bitch. She is always in your business and is very creepy. She is usually a teacher and probably hasn't been fucked in 30 years. Also typically red head.

Wow I would hate to be mrs. Collins.
Wow, your such a mrs. Collins I mean your no fun and a creep, get away from me!

Mrs. Collins is a Greek name for " rapist" and it was fround soon to have that as a name or be called it.

by Me. CockBlocker113122 December 1, 2016

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mrs. hogg

A straight up g

Mrs. Hogg is a straight up g

by the feet that were bein creepe December 19, 2013

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Mrs. Nicole

Your female English teacher, typically around 30 years old, who calls you to a room during your gym class and does a growth check on you, which is basically an examination of your genitals.

Mrs. Nicole: Hello Tom, can you follow me please?
Tom: *Follows Mrs. Nicole*
Mrs. Nicole: I will have to do a growth check on you so do you mind if I examined your penis?
Tom: *Pulls pants down and sits on chair*
Mrs. Nicole: *Puts gloves on*
Tom: *Gets a boner and gets his penis examined*

by Doctor Thea January 2, 2019

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Mr Baxter

A primitive man who enjoys 3d design and has managed to put up with his class, he likes goat piano and other stupid noises and smells like shit.

Mr Baxter you are smelly m8.

by TheGreatZulu October 8, 2019

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Mr. Alaska

When someone with a masters degree has the geography knowledge of a third grader.

"Alaska is an island. Why else would they put it in a box next to Hawaii on the map?"

"Isn't Dutch Land that country near Holland where the Dutch are from?"

"You know, the Aryans... from Arya?"

-Are you kidding me, Mr. Alaska?

by Bugle Boy July 14, 2010

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