The ultimate compliment which can be bestowed. Most appropriately used when serving looks to legendary children. Popularized by the television series Legendary and used liberally among YouTubers Peter Monn and Munoz (kinda).
Pam: Honey, that look is a ten out of ten.
You did what needed to be done.
a scene from the sonic the hedgehog movie 2 trailer when sonic dashes at knuckles and knuckles says "Does it look like i need your power
(Sonic dashes)
(knuckles stops him)
(knuckles) "does it look like i need your power"
for when people have fucking strokes
eli, you need to didnt hat
I made a card from someone historic and i called it blue man needs to poop its the best thing ever made to mankind
Person 1: I made a card of *insert historic person*
Person 2: blue man needs to poop
Da classic bu**s**t remark dat people use to try to make each other feel better regarding an unforeseen/inconvenient downpour.
Everyone's lawns and gardens were flourishing just dandy before today's torrential downpour, so why is everyone telling each other, "We needed the rain at this time"?! Who needs drenched muddy sidewalks and huge messy puddles all over town???
an extreme hangover which makes you feel like your stomach is infact dancing a merry jig and trying to escape from your mouth and/or chest much like in aliens.
"ahhhhh man i feel like ass i cant hack this car ride meet me at cats in need"
"I feel so fuckin cats in need somebody get me a resolve"
"ahhhhhhhh i felt so cats in need last nite had to go vomit till the early hours"