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Mitch Slap

When you listen to a song by Pentatonix and get caught off gaurd because of a beautiful High Note done by their Tenor Mitch Grassi! In songs such as Hallelujah,Aha!,Can't Sleep Love

I asked a reactor to Listen to Pentatonix and he got Mitch Slapped!I

by CPsupergirl March 6, 2023


The mimed, or more often real, slap to the hiney of someone else during some kind of from-behind sex. Also can just be any smack to the hiney.

He mimed booty-slaps like everyone else, but he was like too nice a person to have actually done that.

by Ninja Clan Lord December 30, 2016

Scoop and slap

A team game involving a cantaloupe sized ball, in which players scoop up the ball in between their straight arms and then thrust it upwards in order to slap it to the opponents side. It is most commonly played by people who do not want a volleyball rash on their lower arm or most predominately those who have good choice in sports. In a game of experienced players it’s common for team mates to shout, ‘Glepito’ which comes from the Latin for ice cream - affectionately referring to the scooping action. There is not a set number of players required for SAS however some twigs are required to mark the territory of each team. Points are awarded in avocados every time the ball touches the opponents ground and when one team gains 7 avocados the referee or innocent bystander shouts, ‘Guacamole’ and they are crowned Champions of the world, collecting the twigs as their reward. (Rewards are subject to availability and depend on the individual circumstances of the competition).

‘Would you like to play Scoop and Slap later?’
‘Why yes! One must play Scoop and Slap in order to maintain one’s avocado supply’
‘Groovy, I will go and prepare the twigs

by Pineappleplanter March 20, 2021

Monkey Slaps

Getting fucked hard in the Gluteus Maximus

I will give you some "Monkey Slaps"

by mexicanballer69 November 1, 2017

Superman Slap

Verb:The act of climbing on the top part of a couch, standing up on the top, then jumping down off the couch using the falling force to increase the pain of you slapping someone.

*Note the couch in the act can and should be dragged around constantly in order to always be ready to Superman Slap someone within a few seconds.

Guy 1:"You should call your stepfather the N word."

Guy 2: "What?! Are you crazy, why would I ever do that?"

Guy 1: "Do it, you would get respect from him."

Guy 2: "He would get up on the couch and Superman Slap me if I ever did that, and if I was still breathing after, then I would gain respect from him"

by Sovietnickie October 2, 2012

apple slapping

An act performed when you bang your girl's vagina backdoor style and your apple bag slaps violently against her thighs making a clapping sound as if a tidal wave is pounding the coastline

Boy,Kevin was apple slapping Heather's vagina with a top speed of 40 knots

by BIG T 49 July 6, 2017

Mayonnaise Slapping

When you cum along a girls butt crack and she twerks and her ass slaps together.

"My girl is the best at Mayonnaise Slapping" "Damn"

by memestar36469 June 15, 2018