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Polish roulette

a blank round is used instead of a real one in Russian roulette

Or a flaregun is used

polish roulette is Russian roulette with a blank round, that will probably still blow a hole , or extremely fucking hurt

by SoapySardines aka Dorian June 24, 2018

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polish shit

Rude and very unsensitive way of addressing a polish/white person. Usually used in an argument to offend the opposite side.

Go back to your own country you polish shit.

by Tara XxX Sharp December 1, 2015

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polish big slick

In Texas Hold'Em, it refers to holding a 2,3. Essentially the exact opposite of big slick as this hand has very little potential aside from a straight draw or pairing those two very low cards.

Pre flop, Wally had the polish big slick. Sensing weakness, he went all in before the flop to win the blinds.

by GTI_Guy September 25, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

polish rug burn

If the girl that your doin' has large unkept bush so bad that when you fuck her you get rug burn on your sack. Usually common with Eastern European women, mostly the Pols. It is also possible to get Polish rug burn on your mouth after hardcore pussy lickin.

Man I need some Gold Bond after fucking that East German chick. She gave me really bad Polish rug burn.

by liquidforcedlx February 22, 2008

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polish donut farmer

A really stupid person. This term is taken from a story of Polish farmers who planted cheerios in the ground expecting to later harvest donuts.

That guy just put a bottle rocket in his ass and lit it. He's a real polish donut farmer

by Stu Manito August 20, 2006

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Polish Traffic Jam

Verb; One man reach around masturbation technique usually performed in a BMW or other foreign vehicle

Why is that man honking so much? Oh nevermind him, that's polish traffic jam.

by Hotdograndy October 28, 2021

Polish Meat Log

It basically means a massive penis and was thought up the genius Charlie Flo himself

"Wow look at that Polish Meat Log!"
"Word around the office is you have a Polish Meat Log!"

by Chaseroonee July 2, 2015