A rare occurrence for most. But for a select, fortunate few this can happen on a number of occasions in their lifetime.
n; The finely smooth turd slides out with ease and leaves no need for a wipe. Just when you think it can't get better you look down to admire the specimen you've created to realize that it has vanished all the way down the toilet without the need for a flush.
Perfection Poop.
Sally: "Did you just...?"
Anthony: "Yes. I produced my first Perfection Poop."
Sally: "I love you so much."
Noun. A Poop contraction. The cramps associated with going into poop labor.
"My poop-tractions are getting closer together and will be going into labor soon."
The spicy, nasty poop you take in a public restroom after a sudden stomach upset.
Dude, I totally just laid a fat boomba poop in there.
When you turn on the faucet when you are pooping to dampen the plopping sound.
I had to hush poop when my friends were over.
The act of shaming a person or animal for their defecation.
I don't like to take dumps at Brian's house. All he does is poop shame me afterwards. It's total poop shaming.
Explosive fecal matter, that happens after eating spicy or questionable food. It leaves the anus in scatter shot form covering the entire toilet in bown small cunks that penetrate deep into the water. It will burn your ass hole like no other sensation. The burning feeling will last hours so be ready for a long night of the fire poops
Bro I had some bad burritos and now I have some major fire poops
To eat something small, and typically dense an hour or two before you leave to go on a trip to that you will poop before you head out.
This car ride is going to be long so I'm gonna to eat this egg biscuit to prime the poop. I don't want to have to use the truck stop to shit.